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Téma: Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS
Po vyzkoušení motorek různých značek a typů (v mládí Jawa Stadion S11 a S22 a Pionýr 50/20, na stará kolena pak 4T padesátka TMEC Betka, Honda CBF125, BMW F650GS, Honda VT750C4 Shadow, BMW R1100GS, BMW R65, BMW R1200ST) jsem si začal víc a víc uvědomovat, že netřeba mi už nadlitrových čtvrttunových silničních korábů s maximálkama až přes 200 km/h a s potenciálem cestování ve dvou (a ještě obtěžkaný bagáží) skrzevá alpské průsmyky, a když je dost benzínu a času, tak i dál...
A že pro moje potřeby relaxace na dvou kolech mi mírou vrchovatou a vlastně i mnohem lépe vyhovují menší, lehčí a obratnější stroje.

Takže po redukci vozového parku v poslední době jsem se rozhodnul udělal si velkou radost a poprvé v životě jsem si dopřál ten luxus pořídit si úplně novou a ještě nikým neježděnou motorku (zatím všechny moje předchozí byly z druhé ruky), a proto jsem si taky dovolil toto vlákno tematicky zařadit do rubriky "Moje první motorka"...
EDIT 10.4.2013:
Aktualizace z původního názvu "Jak si dobře vybrat a koupit funglovku WR250X" na název dnes už lépe vystihující diskutovaná témata.

Naposledy editováno 10.04.2013 21:32:25

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 13:54 | Nahoru | #181
Na Adventure Riderovi http://www.advrider...wthread.php?t=816708 je zajímavá vícestránková diskuze Can't deside....Buy Both

Maník s nickem ggamster se nemohl rozhodnout,
a tak si pořídil zároveň Hondu CRF 250L i Yamahu WR 250R...

Tady píše pro představu něco o sobě:

I have been riding for a long time. I starting working ant the local Yamaha Suzuki dealer at 15. That is when I bought my first real dirt bike. A RT180 in black and red. Flipped it over the first day I bought it trying to ride a wheely for the neighbor girl. At the time I was embarrassed but I ended up hittin it about 10 years latter so it must have worked. I have been riding ever since. I ride every day of the year other than ice and I live in IL so I think that is saying something. If you view my past bikes you will get the idea. I go though a ton of them. I normally get a new one every six months or so. I have had many more other than what is listed but there isn't enough room to list them all.

EDIT: Doplněno

About ggamster:

Tunnel Hill, IL, USA

Motorcycles owned currently
WR250R, CRF250L, KX250, KX100, TM Racing MX125, TXC 310

Motorcycles owned past
RT180, ES250, XB9, S10, 1200GS, Nightster, K1200S, 800GS, XB12SS, K1200GT, KX250, 125SX, G650X, CB750

Dream bike

Dream ride
AK to South America

Other interests
Mountain Biking, Slaying Hoes

I am a battery Engineer.

V následujících materiálech (ggamsterovy příspěvky na foru ADVrider) je množství drobnějších překlepů a nedoklepů - typicky např. "had" místo "hard" nebo "I" místo "It" apod. Ale z kontextu je to snad patrné a tak už jsem to dál needitoval.

Naposledy editováno 05.04.2013 06:12:45

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 13:58 | Nahoru | #182
Svoji CRF 250L a WR 250R si koupil a začal provozovat loni v srpnu, a je mj. zajímavý pozorovat, jak se postupem doby jeho názory měnily a vyvíjely po souhrném nájezdu cca 6 tisíc mil na CRF 250L a WR 250R - celkem tedy zhruba 10 tisíc km v průběhu asi 3-4 měsíců...

Od na počatku prakticky "rovnocenného" hodnocení (samozřejmě s ohledem na vstupní cenu a kvalitu každého typu) přes postupné zjišťování a uvědomování si podstatných rozdílů až nakonec po jednoznačnou preferenci jednoho z těchto dvou typů 250 ccm "legálních" endur.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 13:59 | Nahoru | #183
12. srpna 2012

Justed wanted those in the CRF250L and WR250R debate to be aware I am taking delivery of both this month. I will be giving side by side comparison as soon as they come home.


15. srpna 2012

Ok, well judging from some of the above post I can see some of you think this is a stupid comparison. However I feel that this is an acceptable one. The WR was a 2008 model built in Japan (I think) and designed to fill a gap in a market which it did and they knew the price point they had to meet. Along comes Honda with there version. Made in Thailand. This gave them cheaper manufacturing expense pull the use of the CBR250 engine already in use and developed vs Yamaha's single bike power plant. Again lowering the cost. They defiantly used cheaper suspension and frame material. Hitting this $4500 price point.

With that said. I now have both bikes in my possession. 0 miles on the Honda and 110 on the WR Here is what I have to say thus far.

The Honda:
Has a much higher level of fit and finish. The plastics fit better. The quality of said plastics seam to be higher. The controls are much more modern looking and have better feeling as well as the instrumentation. I like the head light better as well as the grips and feel of the seat. On the road I think the Honda will be a better bike, but will save that report until I have 600 miles on both. I can say the the Honda feels lighter than the WR when lifting it off the side stand.

The Yamaha:
We know most of the things about this bike already, but basically all of the off-road bits are nicer. I think the WR will win in the off-road department for sure. I love the aluminum frame and the suspension. It has better tires for DS and overall the WR just looks way cooler IMHO.

I will report back after a little riding on the Honda tomorrow.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:05 | Nahoru | #184
16. srpna 2012

So in the middle of my review my computer shuts off and I loose my whole review of last nights rides. Now I have to do it all over again.

I rode both bikes now. I have 125 miles on the WR and 39 miles on the Honda. I took both bikes out back to back over the same little trial coarse I have at the house. This consist of a field with 3" chunks of hard clay. It is one of the roughest things I have ridden. It also includes a large creek crossing, double track, black top, and gravel. The landscape is rolling hills.
I will brake down the positives and negatives of each bike thus far then give my conclusions on the bikes as of now.

Both engines are unique. The WR feels more like a woods bike dirt bike engine but tuned down. You have a lower RPM performance and an upper RPM performance. As the RPMs the power of the engine ramps up. The Honda is different. It sounds like an electric motor and runs like one as well. This is the quietest engine of this displacement I have aaaaahhhh not heard? The power delivery is much more linear. I would call it user friendly. It isn't my style but it will be great for a beginner that could get a bit intimidated by ramping engine out put. The WR feels tough and the Honda feels civil. You can basically not give the Honda any gas and just dump the clutch and the bike will start to go where as the WR will just shut off. At higher speeds the WR's engine is much better. It feels more alive. The Honda has some torque but I just don't feel the horsepower. I will say the Honda seems to pull better at slower speed but I think if ridden hard the WR will walk away, not run but walk away.

Both bikes shift incredibly well. I have no complaints about ether one once underway. However I have noticed almost every stop I came to and put the bike in neutral. When I wanted to go again and tried to put the bike in first, I would have to let the clutch out, pull it back in, then push it down into first. I couldn't ever just pull the clutch in and down shift.

Front Suspension:
Again there is a big difference in the feel. The Yamaha feels stronger/more subsatantal, like it is tough. The Honda feels "nice". On the clay balls at slow speeds the front of the honda was so smooth. On the road at all speeds the honda was so smooth. Through the creek at slow speeds the honda was so smooth. On the clay slow speeds the Yamaha was a bit ruff. On the road at all speeds the Yamaha was a bit rougher. Through the creek at slow speeds the Yamaha was a bit ruff. Up the speeds a bit and things change. The Yamaha when attacking the terrain is smoother and just feels more planted and ready for more. The Honda kind of felt like "thanks, that was fun, but can we be done with this".

Rear Suspension:
Now much to say here. On road the rear suspension of the honda just rides much smoother. Off-road the rear suspension just...well...SUCKS! The Yamaha is rougher on the small bumps but on anything big is is much nicer. Don't jump the CRF please!

Yamaha brakes worked great when I left the dealership and always perform perfect. The brakes on the Honda when I first took it out for the ride just didn't work. As I have been riding it and working them over they have gotten a little better. I still can't lock up the rear on gravel but it is getting stronger. I don't think they will ever compare however.

No contest. The Honda has this all the way. The display is larger and easier to read. There is a fuel gauge. It look more expensive overall and I just like it better. With that said neither bike has a tach and that drives me nuts. No gear indicator ether. When you are at speed over fifty and you can't hear the engine, you don't have a tach, you don't have a gear indicator, it gets frustrating trying to remember/count your gears all the time. That is going to be on of the things I get for both bikes

This will be somewhat subjective due to size. I am 6'1" and 190lbs so that is what I have to go by. The Honda is much more cramped. I feel all bottled up on the bike. I am sure it would be great for someone a bit shorter just for my long arms and 35" inseam I feel like I am riding a kids bike. My feet are much further forward on the Honda. The seat is much more comfy on the Honda but that stupid strap going over the seat in right on my butt bones. I will be cutting it off but it has horrible placement. I love how the bars are higher in relation to the seat on the Honda. I am always putting risers on my dirt bikes and I don't think I would on the Honda. The Honda overall feels like you are setting in a chair where as the Yamaha feel like you are on a comfortable dirt bike. The Yamaha is in an attack position where as the Honda is in a nice position.

I can't tell much difference. The ergonomics is what I notice much more than the weight. I would like to note that the exhaust can on the Honda is huge. It looks like it weighs 8 lbs more than that of the Yamaha. Also the Honda carries an extra .5 quart of oil. The tail section of the Honda is a monster. If you were to switch out the cans and do a fender eliminator I think the weights would be within five lbs. Even if you don't I don't think you can tell much difference.

I notice the WR feels more planted. It 60mph the Honda has the "Dumb and Dumber" wiggle if you rock side to side shifting your weight or anything. I think lowering the bike of the bike will help this but it can be a bit unnerving.

The Honda is a "nice" bike. Kind of like a pinky up type of lets go ride Margo type of bike. It will get you there. It will be comfy. It will get there cheaply. The WR wants to be ridden more aggressively. If you are a smaller rider and most of what you ride will be street, gravel, fire roads and mild double track. The Honda is your go to bike. If you are tall, conversation is over. You have to get the WR. If you ride hard and are not sure of what you will encounter you have to get the WR. If you want to attack you have to get the WR.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:06 | Nahoru | #185
17. srpna 2012

I took both bikes on the single track last night. I did about 10 miles on each. The honda did better than I thought. It is no WR but if you don't mide to go works. The WR was amazing for a bike that you can put thousands of miles on. I took it in the real off-road. The only problem is the tires. They do ok but could do better. 606's when these wear out. I was shocked about the CRF. I didnT think it would make it but no problems. Just washes out a bit at speed.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:07 | Nahoru | #186
20. srpna 2012

I go to ride a lot more this weekend. I also lowered the CRF for my wife. I noticed no ill effects from this other than ground clearance.
I rode the WR in the woods quite a bit this weekend. It was mostly all on tight single track. Some was sandy and rocky other areas were just a mud pit. The bike did great and for a bike with 3k mile service intervals. All I can say is wow what a great bike. If you want to ride hard off road the WR is great, also performs great on road. It has more balls than the Honda in every way.

Now for the Honda. It is an amazing motorcycle for the money/for beginner. It will do everything the WR will do just won't do it as well or fast. If you are going to buy the CRFL don't buy it with the intention of upgrading the suspension. Everything about the bike is just less than the WR. You could upgrade the suspension but you still don't have the same bike as the WR, It just will always be a lesser bike. I love the little Honda but it is more of a great farm bike kind of along the lines of the 230L. You can trail ride it, you can ride two up, you can ride it on the road. It just does so in a mild manor. It will never be an attack type of machine. Ride it for what it is a cheap WR. Speaking of which. The Honda takes as low as 86 octane. I love that. I live in the country and finding 91+ is kind of like finding a 18 year old virgin around here.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:08 | Nahoru | #187
4. září 2012

Some time has passed and been riding both bikes. I am loving the WRR. I took it out in the down pour this weekend and did a very fast washed out gravel road ride. For the first few miles it was a little sketchy trying to find my comfort level as the "road" had foot deep washout tracks right on the blind side of the curve. Once I did I was having a blast two wheel drifting the bike. I am having a hard time getting the rear end of the bike to feel the way I want it to. I am still working on it and it is getting better. As far as the Honda there isn't a ton to report. It is a super easy bike to ride and I had my first crash on it this weekend. Let me just say it has the weakest bars of any bike I have ever ridden. I dropped the bike doing a very muddy down hill section. It was no big deal. However, the bars bent badly from a very mild fall. I will reiterate the Honda is best for milder riding. I would like to note that the engine in the Honda is breaking in nicely. It seams to be developing a bit more power now. The bike does have a feeling of cheaper, kind of like a made in Taiwan essence. In fact it is so I guess it stands to reason that it indeed should feel like it is.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:09 | Nahoru | #188
7. září 2019

I have been doing a lot of off road with the WR this week. this bike does great I have been noticing the biggest problem is the tires not so much the suspension. now that I can take the bike into the upper RPM range I'm finding it a blast to ride. I will try to get some pictures this weekend.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:11 | Nahoru | #189
10.září 2012

Lindsay (my wife) spent all weekend riding it and absolutely loved Honda CRF 250L. She told me that she would be very upset if I tried to sell it. I flip a lot of bikes and never get very attached to any of them. For her to say that means she really loves the bike!



Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:11 | Nahoru | #190
17. září 2012

This weekend my wife and I went out for a 50 mile ride on the back roads around the house. She would pull away from me on the straightaways. Her bike is down on power and heavier and I am a better rider but I was having a hard time keeping up with her until we hit the turns. She is loving the bike. I am loving the WR so all is good.

I have been riding both bikes and have over 1000 miles on the WR now. What a cool motorcycle. I ride about 15 miles a day off road on the WR and this thing is doing so good. It is starting to rev easier and the suspension is cycling better. I am able to move the bike well for it's weight I love it! The honda will never compare.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:12 | Nahoru | #191
2. října 2012

Ok, got some miles on the bike and thought I would give you an update.

The WR is a GREAT bike. I tell people it is the ultimate explorer bike. It isn't the fastest bike I have ridden in the woods, but I have found so many new trails on this bike, and in Southern IL that is hard thing to do. This bike has enough power to go up anything I have tried and I have tried a lot. This weekend I found over 40 miles of new trail. The bike always starts and is ready to ride. I have dropped the bike 30+ times and you can't tell that much other then the bolts on the fork clamps from always taking them loose to straighten the legs. I have been riding it to work and it is doing great. It likes to run at about 72 mph not much more then that without just constantly trying to kill it. I am about through the rear tire at just shy of 2000 miles. I am getting about 60 mpg on the highway and about 30 mpg on the trail. These are just ruff guesstimates. I think my only complaint is that the seat is a little soft after the first 1000 miles or so. I am afraid I will be replacing the foam in another 2K. Other then that and trying to get the suspension and chain tension dialed in. It is perfect.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:13 | Nahoru | #192
2. října 2012

As far as the CRF goes. There isn't much to report. It is doing good. It always starts. My wife can leave me out of turns if she tries. It has been dropped at slow speeds only and no more then 5 times. Boy you can sure tell. the plastics don't fit right any more. The radiator shrouds are two pieces and they are poorly made, often splitting at the seam. I gave up trying to keep them together. The back brakes still suck but are better. The seat is so low in relation to the bars you kind of feel like you are driving a tractor. This is good for comfort I guess but for performance riding it is a no go because you can't slide up on the seat. I won't ride it on trails much at all because the bike, well, just sucks for that. It can be done but it isn't any fun compared to any other dirt bike. It is a great beginner/non enthusiast motorcycle. To me it just feels like a kids toy and that is coming from a guy that rides a KX100 a lot of the time. What is so nice about it is that with my lowering mod most anyone can touch the ground. We are getting about 75 mpg and that is mostly all highway and fire road riding. My wife loves this bike but is looking to a TTR for the woods. then on to the KX100!

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:14 | Nahoru | #193
2. října 2012

If you are not going off road I would say the CRFL is good. At almost 4" shorter then I you might not feel as cramped as I do. If you are riding off road. You have to get the WR. The top speed is a little better on the WR which I know doesn't matter that much but it is nice to have. The CRF gets better mpg by about 15mpg and runs on 86+ vs 91+. Service is about the same as far as easy to do. The CRF they say requires less oil changes but I don't like to push that. 2K miles is fine for me. You have to service the valves a bit sooner on the CRF. I think 18k vs. 26K. that is off the top of my head however. If you are only riding on road and very light off road the stock suspension on the CRF will be fine. Off Road the bike is a no go. I think the CRF is just a cheaper bike but will be fine if you are just commuting and would like to not bend a rim when you hit the curb.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:14 | Nahoru | #194
8. října 2012

Without clutching I can run as slow as 6mph on the Honda and 7mph on the WR. The WR has higher Wattage output. Make you decision on your size and off road desires. Which bike is best for which has been covered.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

4.4.2013 v 14:24 | Nahoru | #195
27. prosince 2012

OK, so an update.

I have right at 5K miles on the WR and 1K miles on the CRF250L.
These bikes are so different, it is had to consider them in the same class.
The quality of the WR is so far above and bond it is ridiculous.

I just don't like the Honda. The engine has good torque and that is all it has going for it in the real world of every day use. Oh and it is lower to the ground. Not an issue for me but to some it maybe. I have beet the hell out of the WR it have replaced nothing other than tires. BTW the MT-43 trials tire has almost 3k miles on it. it is bald but still finds traction. It will be replaced in 200 miles. Gearing needs to be adjusted with this tire but damn it last. I have been thought it all on the WR and I love the bike.

It is my only bike I have ever owned that I don't ever want to sell until it is ragged out.

The Honda I would sell without thinking twice about it. I just is substandard in every way compared to the WR. Way more than just the suspension. Just everything about is cheap. I think it is a capable POS. Honestly is is an amazing POS and will get the job done. But it is a POS none the less. The WR is so much better. If you can touch the ground buy the WR!

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

15.4.2013 v 22:05 | Nahoru | #196
Zdravím, chtěl bych se zeptat zkušenějších, jestli někdo objednával kompletním sadu plastu na verzi R / X? Google jsem projel, ale na verzi WR 250 R jsem nemel štěstí. Nebo je sada plastu shodná s jiným modelem? Díky za info.

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

13.5.2013 v 15:15 | Nahoru | #197
tesino> krom předního blatníku budou na R a X plasty stejný , z ničeho jiného na to plasty nepůjdou

Dovi : jakou máš zkušenost s těma originálníma gumama na Rku ? tuším že to jsou Bridgestone TW 301 a 302.

Naposledy editováno 13.05.2013 15:20:46

(reakce na) Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

13.5.2013 v 17:40 | Nahoru | #198

wario píše: Dovi : jakou máš zkušenost s těma originálníma gumama na Rku ? tuším že to jsou Bridgestone TW 301 a 302.

Ano, byly (jsou) tam origo Bridgestony.
Typ Ti přesně neřeknu. Ne že bych nechtěl, ale moje bílý WRRko uz mi bohužel neříká pane...
Důvod viz o pár příspěvků výše. Škoda, to je holt život.

Co se jízdy po silnici na těchto gumách týče, nemohl jsem si vůbec stěžovat - viz podrobný příspěvek z 15. 12. 2012 v 17:40 na 2. straně tohoto vlákna...

Jinak v terénu jsem za ten krátký čas loni nestihnul WR250R ani jen v náznaku provětrat, a letos hned při odzimování šla Bilá do dobrých rukou mladšiho a mnohem více off-roadově zaměřeného jezdce než jsem já.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

14.5.2013 v 09:22 | Nahoru | #199
Ten typ Bridgestone TW 301 na předním a TW 302 na zadním kole Yamahy WR 250R by odpovídal - viz stránka z origo elektronického návodu k Yamaze WR 250R:



(reakce na) Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

14.5.2013 v 09:41 | Nahoru | #200

wario píše: krom předního blatníku budou na R a X plasty stejný , z ničeho jiného na to plasty nepůjdou

Člověče, řekl bych, že dokonce i ty přední blatníky jsou snad asi taky stejný...

Teď už sice nemám přímé srovnání, ale co si pamatuju, tak se mi jevily úplně identický.

K tomu enduru WR 250R ten přední blatník vzhledově i funkčností pasuje myslím velmi dobře, ale ten samý blatník použitý na motardu WR 250X už je trochu míň estetický.

Optimální přední blatník na motardu by možná nemusel být tak velký a mohl by být i trochu níž, aby ta mezera mezi blatníkem a menším (17 palcovým) motardovým předním kolem nebyla tak velká.

Ale je to na tom výborném WRku vlastně úplná prkotina; na funkci rostlináře to nemá žádný vliv...



Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

3.6.2013 v 13:24 | Nahoru | #201

potuch ve vedlejší diskuzi "Yamaha wr 250x, Králové Hradecký kraj" píše: Jak funguje výfuková přívěra, která je již v základu do wéerka montována? A má nějak výrazně velký vliv na výkon?

Co jsem tak už (nebo spíš ještě) před koupí WR250X pátral v tomto směru, a co jsem si tak z toho pátrání odnesl, ta přívěra je tam pravděpodobně zamýšlena jako úlitba ekologickým ochranářům a pro optimalizaci tlakových poměrů výfukové soustavy a hlavně kvůli omezení hlučnosti při nižších otáčkách.

Tuším nějak do zhruba 3-4 tisíc otáček za minutu (ale neber mě za slovo, je to plus minus) je přívěra zavřená (přivřená), a pak dál už otevřená - aby se zbytečně moc neredukoval výkon motoru.

Ta výfuková přívěra je ve WR250-kách elektromechanická, a ovládá ji servo.
A snad ještě je tam v okolí i solenoidový ventil, ale tím už si nejsem tak jist - možná jenom řídí zpětný odvod spalin při rekuperaci zplodin a s vlatní výfukovou přívěrou nemá přímo nic společného.

Ale co jsem dřív nasával rozumy na US forum o WR250R a WR250X, tak na tom WRR/X foru jsou tomu všelikému vylepšování, tunění, ladění a vůbec zvyšování výkonu apod. věnovány dvě speciání sekce, a sice:

Sweet Mods and Bike Accessories

a zejména

Pipes and Programmers

A co jsem z toho časem pochytil, tak k několika základním "povinným" úpravám tuningářů bažících po ještě vyšších výkonech motoru a/nebo po lepším průběhu krouťáku patří i ta deaktivace nebo rovnou demontáž výfukové přívěry spolu s dalšími vylepšeními.
A řekl bych, že tam na tom ujíždí docela dost lidí

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

7.6.2013 v 19:27 | Nahoru | #202
Jak je to Když by se dal jen ladak a nechala se originální řídící jednotka , ladak by mel diru na lambdu.

(reakce na) Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

8.6.2013 v 07:57 | Nahoru | #203

wario píše: Jak je to Když by se dal jen ladak a nechala se originální řídící jednotka , ladak by mel diru na lambdu.

Není laďák jako laďak, chování se liší případ od případu. Značkový výrobce to ale u daného výfuku určeného pro konkrétní motorku už "nějak" odlaboroval za uživatele a dává na trh (podle něho) optimální řešení za dané peníze. A uživatel, který s tím nemá moc zkušeností, nemá čas a prostředky pro vlastní experimentování, pak už dá nebo taky nedá na doporučení ostatních, a podle jejich zkušeností volí z dostupné nabídky (nejlépe) homologovaných laďáků - podle své kapsy, zvuku, vzhledu atd.

Jinak ladák s osazením na sondu je buďto nutno tou sondou osadit, nebo díru zaslepit a lambdu odpojit. V tom případě řídící jednotka přecházi (obecně) do defaultního modu, který ale samozřejmě už z principu není optimální.

V té výše odkazované sekci na tom US foru se této problematice hodně věnují, všem těmto i souvisejícím úpravám, ale vyžaduje to trochu času si to projít, získat celkový přehled, udělat si svůj vlastní názor na přínosnost jednotlivých řešení vzhledem k ceně apod., a pak se rozhodnout...

Naposledy editováno 08.06.2013 08:09:31

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

6.7.2013 v 19:44 | Nahoru | #204
Tak jsem v rámci záběhu dopřál WRku při nájezdu 960 km nový motorový olej a nový olejový filtr...

Výměna motorového oleje a olejového filtru u Yamahy WR 250R/X je velmi snadná:

Potřeba je k tomu akorát 12 mm klíč nebo lépe ořech s ráčnou na výpustný šroub na spodku vany a pak už jen 8 mm oříšek na tři šrouby držící víko olejového filtru na pravé straně motoru.

Utahovací momenty při zpětné montáži jsou pak 20 Nm na výpušťák a 10 Nm na olejové víko.

Klíč nebo přípravek na filtr není nutný (filtr není šroubovací), a samotný olejový filtr stojí okolo 100 Kč.

Naposledy editováno 06.07.2013 20:47:50

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

6.7.2013 v 20:07 | Nahoru | #205

Motor po nájezdu 1000 km už není tak syrový jako zpočátku, šlape jak hodinky, a Yamaha WR 250X jede celkově jak F1 křížená s tankem...

Akceleruje a jde ochotně za plynem, a žádný kopec není pro ni dost prudký.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

9.7.2013 v 10:36 | Nahoru | #206
Z filmu V pravé poledne - tady se zastavil čas...

Naposledy editováno 09.07.2013 10:41:58

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

9.7.2013 v 10:41 | Nahoru | #207
Yamaha WR 250X si zahrála i ve starším českém filmu Páni kluci ...

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

12.7.2013 v 13:48 | Nahoru | #208
sedla si nějak spotřeba ? nebo je to plus mínus stejné ?

(reakce na) Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

12.7.2013 v 14:36 | Nahoru | #209

wario píše: sedla si nějak spotřeba ? nebo je to plus mínus stejné ?

Spotřeba se v průběhu záběhu bezpochyby trochu snížila, ale nyní u méně syrového motoru už zase se člověk nemusí tolik omezovat, takže jezdím trochu rychleji a víc pod plynem než u syrového motoru.

Čili spotřeba se mi "z uživatelského hlediska" jeví u Yamahy WR 250X víceméně vyrovnaná a pohybuje se stále okolo 2.8 l/100 km, ale je fakt, že jezdím myslím si dost "slušně" - po okreskách v
rámci rychlostních limitů, nepřekračuju 90 km/h, v obci tak do 55 km/h.

Yamaha WR 250X + WR 250R a další 250 ccm DS

15.7.2013 v 12:44 | Nahoru | #210
Tak další zpráva o stavu Unie...

O víkendu vyjeta další nádrž - po ujetí 228 km dotankováno 6.48 litru N95, opět standardně až do plné. Průměrná spotřeba tedy činila 2.84 l/100km.

Z těchto 228 km najezdil 32 km můj syn, který si přál to moje již částečně zajeté WRko konečně taky vyzkoušet a kterého jsem několikrát pobízel, ať se u zahřátého motoru nebojí za to po rovině i do kopce zatáhnout, ať si vyzkouší akcelerovat apod. - opakovaně.

Pro zajímavost, jak zatím u WR 250X postupně šly dílčí spotřeby paliva (vždy N95):

2.65 l/100km
2.91 l/100km
2.86 l/100km
2.96 l/100km
2.78 l/100km
2.84 l/100km

Jinak při zatím celkem ujetých resp. měřených 1.149 km bylo spotřebováno celkem 32.52 litru N95.

Čili celková dlouhodobá průměrná spotřeba mé Yamahy WR 250X je zatím stále velmi příjemných 2.83 l/100km.
Pro vložení příspěvku se musíte přihlásit nebo registrovat.
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