Téma: Scientists at a bar
27.10.2008 v 13:57
Rene Descartes was sitting at a bar. The bartender came over and asked if he would like another drink. He replied, "I think not." And he vanished.

Heisenburg was also sitting at the bar. After Descartes vanished in a puff of smoke, the bartender walked over to him and asked, "Did you see that?"To which Heisenberg replied, "I can't be certain."

The bartender then noticed Einstein was there. So he asked him if he could believe what had happened. Einstein replied, "It's all relative."

The bartender asked Georg Ohm what had happened, but Ohm resisted giving any answer.

Meanwhile, Gustav Hertz was having such a great time, that he promised to return in the future at a much greater frequency.

Robert Boyle commented that he thought everyone was under too much pressure to come up with an answer to what was happening.

Erwin Schroedinger tried to explain that in the absence of an observer, Decartes left but at the same time did not leave.

But Alexander Volta disagreed stating there was a potential difference between his staying or going.

James Watt had had a bad day and said he had come in just to let off a little steam.

Charles Darwin refused to take a stand on the days events as he was waiting to see what would evolve.

Thomas Edison stated that he found the whole thing lluminating.

Andre Ampere helped the bartender ascertain that all the statements were kept current.

Sir Isaac Newton pondered the gravity of the situation.

James Clerke Maxwell sent his demon in to take some of the heat out of the discussion.

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck thought it a constant drain of energy to contemplate the disappearance.

Both mr. and mrs. Curie thought that Descartes had a radiating
personality, even after his disappearance.

Richard P. Feynman said, "Surely, You are Joking, Mr. Bartender."

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Scientists at a bar

29.10.2008 v 00:30 | Nahoru | #1
Tak jeste jeden fyzikalni vtip, sice je stary, ale porad se mi libi ...a navic je cesky

Archimedes, Pascal a Newton hrají na schovávanou. Archimedes piká. Pascal se rozhlédne a hbitě se schová do křoví. Newton vezme klacek, do hlíny vyškrábne čtverec metr na metr a postaví se do něj. Nijak se neschovává. Archimedes dopiká, rozhlíží se kolem sebe. Samozřejmě, že ihned vidí Newtona a volá: ´Deset dvacet Newton!´ Newton v klidu řekne: ´Tak to teda pěkný hovno! 1 Newton na metr čtvereční je přece Pascal!´

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Scientists at a bar

29.10.2008 v 08:36 | Nahoru | #2
misel> This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.
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