globalmoto_nolan Přidat reklamu

Téma: Aerodynamický Hrb
1.11.2015 v 19:33
Zdravim chtěl jsem se zeptat jak je to s Hrbem na kombineze. Má to i nějaké využití na naháčí? Jezdim tak max 170 a to jenom na rovince :D na okruh nejezdim. Zda to má pouze opravdu využití z hlediska aerodynamiky nebo i jiné využití. Děkuji

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Aerodynamický Hrb

2.11.2015 v 17:54 | Nahoru | #1

PEPAFJR píše: Tak ono si stačí nechat ušít kombinézu s hrbem u Psí a tam Ti to zcela jednoznačně vysvětlí. A to,že z Tebe borci od daninese udělali blbce za to nemůžu.

sem tam vidim tvoje nazory a sposob akym prezentujes tvoje bludy je na smiech. Snad trochu vladnes anglictine: http://www.righttor...-born-to-be-wild.pdf

je to od renomovaneho doktora (bohuzial po smrti), strana 1134. Aby si nemusel hladat, dam to sem:

There remains a great degree of confusion about the
role of speed humps, even within the motorcycling
fraternity itself. They were initially conceived to
improve the aerodynamics of a helmeted rider in a
racing crouch on a competition motorcycle. In some
instances they contain data-logging devices to allow
race teams to collect information on the various
forces acting on rider and motorcycle, and in hotter
climatesthey have been modified to contain fluid. In
recent years they have become a fashion item for
the non-competitive motorcyclist, and are now a
common feature on leathers. They are not, and
never have been, a safety device, and indeed make
management of the airway and spine more difficult
in the injured motorcyclist

ak si to nevies prelozit, vyuzi google translator.. A pokojne mozes napisat do PSI, odpisu ti v zasade to iste

(reakce na) Aerodynamický Hrb

2.11.2015 v 18:45 | Nahoru | #2
Komorerth> Diky za clanek. V podstate to potvrzuje co tenkrat rikal ten zachranar, ze v pripade nehody ten hrb muze stezovat poskytovani zdravotni pomoci. Dokonce je doporucovano co nejrychlejsi uriznuti:

It is the author’s opinion
that for spine protection and airway control the
speed hump must be removed as soon as possible.
The easiest method is to logroll the patient into the
lateral position, and run a scalpel blade around the
outline of the hump; allowing rapid separation from
the leathers.

It is hoped that designers and manufacturers will
recognise the problems faced by medical staff in
these instances and modify the design of humps in
the future. Possible solutions include filling humps
with air rather than foam to allow deflation or
making humps externally detachable, for instance
with a zipper or Velcro.

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Aerodynamický Hrb

3.11.2015 v 09:28 | Nahoru | #3
Komorerth> Což nic nemění na tom,že hlavní účel hrbu je bezpečnost.
Pro vložení příspěvku se musíte přihlásit nebo registrovat.
