Téma: Tak kdo půjde mávat ?
16.4.2015 v 08:06
Tak kdo si vezme dovolenou a půjde zamávat klubu Ruských motorkářů - Noční Vlci - kteří projedou Evropou až do Berlína ? Já tedy ne a to i kdyby za to platili.

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Tak kdo půjde mávat ?

17.4.2015 v 21:31 | Nahoru | #1
Pher> Episode 111: Motorcycle Flip
Throwing a wooden pole into the spokes of a motorbike’s front wheel will cause it to flip. (Based on a scene in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.)

The Mythbusters first obtained a bike similar to the type used during filming of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. They built a mechanized rig that could fire a pole at human-like speeds. During a full-scale test with the bike moving at a speed of 40 miles per hour, the bike snapped the wooden pole without stopping, busting the myth. Undeterred, The MythBusters decided to redo the test with a steel pole. Although the steel pole did stop the bike, it skidded instead of flipping, definitively busting the myth. The team analyzed the movie scene and discovered that explosives were used to flip the bike. They then built a mortar and used it to flip the bike in an elaborate recreation of the movie scene.

Rok 2008 - hledej, šmudlo
Čau, Tom

(reakce na) Tak kdo půjde mávat ?

17.4.2015 v 21:43 | Nahoru | #2
TomElefant750> dekuji za napovedu

Ja kdysi otestoval dynamo do dratu. Zhruba v 30. Katapult drsnej, ale kupodivu jsem to rozbehal bez sramu
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