Téma: new in brno / neu in brno
21.3.2010 v 21:07
bohužel nemohu stále velmi Čeština

Hallo, ich stelle mich kurz vor. An meinem Nick kann man erkennen woher ich komme. Ich bin nun vor etwa 6 Wochen von Hamburg nach Brno umgezogen und leider kann ich noch nicht sehr viel tschechisch, daher schreibe ich nun in deutsch und englisch und hoffe irgendwer versteht mich trotzdem.

Seit also 6 Wochen lebe ich in Brno, arbeite hier und möchte auch gerne hier leben bleiben. Bislang habe ich noch nicht sehr viele Freunde. Überwiegend kenne ich nur die Leute rund um Prospeed da ich dort auch selber einer der Instruktoren bin. Dann kenne ich noch ein paar Leute aus dem Ducati Monster Club.

Hier schreibe ich nun weil ich gerne weitere Menschen kennenlernen möchte und hoffe einige Freundschaften zu finden.
Ich fahre selber eine Suzuki GSXR 1000 K5 und fahre geren etwas schneller und sportlicher.

Ich würde mich freuen Männer und Frauen kennenzulernen die mir ein wenig die Gegend zeigen, die schönen Strecken und sich vielleicht auch mal ausserhalb des Motorrad fahrens mit mir treffen.

Ich bin auch gerne bereit mal jemanden mitzunehmen auf eine Tour oder mich spontan zu treffen.

Gruss Guido

Hi there, i would like to introduce myself. By reading my nick name you realize wher i am usually from. About 6 weeks ago i came from Hamburg to Brno and i am sorry, but untill now i di not learn enough of the czech language so i write in german and english.

Since 6 weeks i live now in Brno, work here and really want to live here for a long term. Untill now i only know some people of Prospeed because i am also one of the Prospeed instructors. Also i know some people of the Ducati Monster Club Brno.

I am writing here right now because i would like to get contact to some more people and try to install some kinds of friendship. My bike is a Suzuki GSXR 1000 K5 and i like to ride a little bit faster and sporty.

I would like to meet men and women who will show me the area and the nice raods for biking or also meet without bike for a beer or a coffee.

I also have absolutely no problem to take someone with me on the bike for a trip or go on a trip spontaneously.

greets Guido
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1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:18 | Nahoru | #1
Hey Guido,
welcome in our bike city!
You'll be probably disappointed of quality of our roads...at the end of the day we have just one opportunity to meet at Brno road track.

btw>I appreciate your bike selection, good taste

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:21 | Nahoru | #2
kauf lieber Offraod-Motorrad, gleich du wirst es auf unseren Strassen brauchen. Dann können wir miteinander fahren.
Entschuldige mir, ich kenne nur ein Bischen deutsch.
Tschüs Tom

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:23 | Nahoru | #3
Dawe02> Koukám že na naše silnice máme stejnej názor

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:24 | Nahoru | #4
A cesky ?

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:29 | Nahoru | #5
Hi both,

on Friday and Saturday i tried already some of the roads, okay...they are not perfect but who is perfect....was fun and joy enough....but i think there must be also some really good roads, i hope...maybe the Enduro will come later, will see....

am Freitag und Samstag habe ich die Straßen schon mal ein wenig getestet. Sie sind nicht perfekt, aber es hat trotzdem Spass gemacht. Ich hoffe es gibt aber auch noch richtig schöne Straßen. Vielleicht kommt die Enduro ja noch irgendwann.

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:31 | Nahoru | #6
Čeština, mohu jen s Google Translator

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:33 | Nahoru | #7
Once upon a time there were better roads...
Enduro, good idea

And don't be sad about your czech, nobody can speak after weeks.
Anyway, where do you work Quido, what's your driver to move to CR?

Naposledy editováno 21.03.2010 21:35:01

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:36 | Nahoru | #8
i work in a friends company selling signs for different markets....i was searching for something new and i was fed up with germany...and because i like cz i decided to come here....

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:43 | Nahoru | #9
Hamburg-City> understood
You mentioned your experience at road track with Prospeed as instructor. They are really fast guys aren't they?
What about your lap times at Brno, Lausitz, Most?/ We have got quite large community of amateur racers at this server

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:48 | Nahoru | #10
There are quiet a lot of fast people at Prospeed. I am not one of the fastest but is is also not one of the important points to become instructor....first of all you have to knwo what yu are doing and than you have to be able to explain these things to the instructed people....so my times are not slow and not fast....i think i am medium....brno 2,20 most 1,51 on new track and lausitz 1,54

i prefer most sachsenring....this is my famous track....

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:52 | Nahoru | #11
Hamburg-City> totally agree with our in "instructor mindset" points
My colleage and myself are also instructors for slow groups, last year we started with Actionbike, these days also with new czech agency DA-racing
Don't you know Jochen Kress from Actionbike?

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 21:55 | Nahoru | #12
i havent met him untill now, i only know his name.....

da rcing i havent heard untill now...but i will just start a look on google.....

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:07 | Nahoru | #13
Hi. I wish you a good and happy season.

Btw> What do you think about czech roads?

Naposledy editováno 21.03.2010 22:08:36

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:10 | Nahoru | #14
welcome to our country, website and this forum I hope you will have a great time here

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:15 | Nahoru | #15
tahni k certu rarachu

kolik tresni, tolik visni....

jdete si po svejch

Naposledy editováno 21.03.2010 22:16:48

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:19 | Nahoru | #16

Cuba_VTX>tahni k certu rarachu

kolik tresni, tolik visni....

jdete si po svejch

...obavam se, ze tohle google translator nezvladne

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:20 | Nahoru | #17
thanks for your welcome and your wishes.....

the roads here are...lets say kind of special....but i have been in others countries also and so its like in a lot of other counries....in germany there are also bad roads....what i like here is the fact that there a lot of small roads, curves and up and down....i like going through the hills....

where i lived before (north of hamburg) its completly different...no hills. less curves.....so...i like the roads even if they are not perfect....

3 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:23 | Nahoru | #18

google was able to translate the words in something not nice.....so i think cuba vtx dont like me....its his problem, not mine

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:32 | Nahoru | #19


google was able to translate the words in something not nice.....so i think cuba vtx dont like me....its his problem, not mine

I think he was just trying to find google translator limits. These were untranslatable phrases

Anyway, welcome in Tsechien

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:34 | Nahoru | #20
Don't be upset, he just thought that those words will be untranslatable... And they probably were not.
And welcome to our city and Czech republic. If you wish to take some ride along, don't hesitate to ask here, we can arrange some ride.

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:42 | Nahoru | #21

dont worry, i am not upset...i am used with harder stuff....

thanks for your welcomes and i really hope i will go on to like the country as i do right now....since today i like it more and more from day to day and i am sure it was the right choice to come here....

@ bludevil

i hope we will find a perfect time for having fun outside...i am sure we will....and by the way....bluedevils are the hamburg team for american football.....

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:48 | Nahoru | #22
So Guido, when are we going biking again!!

new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:50 | Nahoru | #23
i think we will have to tomorrow.....you know why.....hope the weather will be okay.....

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:52 | Nahoru | #24


google was able to translate the words in something not nice.....so i think cuba vtx dont like me....its his problem, not mine

ale prdlajs... nic proti tobe nemam... to je prave videt ze mame (cesi a nemci) rozdilnej humor,....

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:54 | Nahoru | #25
dann ist alles gut....humor mag ich auch

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 22:55 | Nahoru | #26
@cuba vtx

pak je vše v pořádku .... Také jsem rád humor

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 23:03 | Nahoru | #27
it's the funny topic.....sometimes

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

21.3.2010 v 23:42 | Nahoru | #28

Cuba_VTX>ale prdlajs... nic proti tobe nemam... to je prave videt ze mame (cesi a nemci) rozdilnej humor,....

aller Anfang ist schwer

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

22.3.2010 v 12:26 | Nahoru | #29
Hey Guido - welcome to this motoserver for teenagers You can find here everything. Friends, enemies, future co-workers and investors, advices and also a lot of very well educated and clever people

But don´t worry - you´ll be able to sort apples from oranges very soon. Local youngsters usually can´t speak so good english/german to be rude in that language

Anyway - see you on the road soon - but you know - you have to be patient with us, Ducatistas. We don´t fly like gixxers :)

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

22.3.2010 v 13:47 | Nahoru | #30

HanysRR>Anyway - see you on the road soon - but you know - you have to be patient with us, Ducatistas. We don´t fly like gixxers :)

It looks like usual excuse for issue btwn handlebars and seat
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