Gabarrini: Jsem největším fanouškem Stonera


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AKRO (-498) napsal 23.02.2012 v 22:53

Zverzak a Evo!

zverzak (0) napsal 23.02.2012 v 12:50

to Evo: vykon co prenesie zadna guma bude konecny, obmedzeny a uz 800ky to davali na hranu, tak sa tam vela asi fakt nezmeni
...dik za ten pumping :)

Evo (411) napsal 23.02.2012 v 12:29

"Pumping" bude zrejme ono povestne "pumpovanie" zadneho kolesa na vyjazdoch zo zakrut. Niekde som cital, ze na konci sezony 2010 rapidne zlepsili odozvu od predneho kolesa extremnym nastavenim podvozku. A zo zbytkom problemov sa uz Stoner nejako snazil vysporiadat.

Evo (411) napsal 23.02.2012 v 12:20

Takze oba sposoby su, podla neho vhodne. Pripomina mi to dilemu : drftovat, alebo nie.
To bolo reci, ako to tieto " decka " budu mat ns litroch tazsie a ako "stari mazaci a superbajkeri" pojdu zrazu hore.Lebo oni " to" vedia a mladi nie. A ako litre odpustia chyby, lebo maju vecsi krutak(to je pre mna nepochopitelne, podla mna chyba vzdy bude chybou aj s dosledkami). Ale ved vsetko uvidime.

zverzak (0) napsal 23.02.2012 v 12:18

The year after you won your championship you had a number of problems, which made keeping the number one plate more difficult.

I think we didn't start out so great with the bike, the 2008 bike. We struggled with quite a lot at the start of the season. We were having a lot of pumping issues and trying to figure out with chain tensions, all that sort of thing. Even just small things like that to try to stop the slack, try to stop the pumping problems we were having. But then we had a camera come off and flap around my bike in Estoril, which no one's even realized that. We had an engine go on us in Le Mans. Then we had major issues at the end of the year with my wrist falling to pieces, but everyone just remembers me losing the title. But I think we put up one hell of a fight considering the year we had. And I think I proved to everybody that we had every right to be champion again that year, but it wasn't to be. Things didn't go right. Same in 2009. We were leading the championship when my lactose issue started to play havoc in our lives. It was pretty much only 2010 that we didn't have any excuses. We didn't have the bike, we didn't have the equipment, we didn't get it sorted quick enough. We made mistakes. Pushed too hard in places we maybe shouldn't have. And things just didn't go well from there. But we showed at the end of the season once we got everything sorted that we still had the speed and came out on a bike that hasn't given us everything we wanted, but has been a fantastic partnership with myself and my team and sort of showed everybody what we could do again.

Rok po titule ste mal problemy...

Myslim, ze sme s GP08 bajkom nezacali dobre. Dost sme sa na zaciatku sezony trapili. Mali sme problemy s "pumping" (moze byt podvozok...) a laborovali s napnutim retaze. Skusali sme vela malych zlepseni. Potom v Estorile mi upadla kamera a zavesila sa na bajk, co si mozno nikto ani nevsimol. V LeMans nas nechal motor. A moje zapastie sa rozpadlo pred koncom roka. Ale kazdy si pamata len ako som stratil titul. Bojovali sme dobre, ale veci sa neberali spravnym smerom, napriek tomu sme ukazali, ze mame na titul aj nadalej. Potom 2009, viedol som sezonu, ked sa objavili moje problemy s laktozou. 2010 nemam moc co najst na ospravedlnenie, nemali sme bajk, diely a ani napady. Robili sme chyby, tlacili tam, kde sme nemali. Ale na konci aj ked to nebolo idealne sme a bajk nam nedal vsetko co sme chceli sme stale boli dobry team, ktory ukazal, ze na to mame.

zverzak (0) napsal 23.02.2012 v 12:07

If you make a mistake, is it less forgiving than the 800?

No, I think it's very similar. The 800s, maybe you were carrying a little bit more corner speed. Because you didn't have the same power on the 800s then you didn't have the same problems with wheelies. The 1000s, of course, especially on a small track with a short gearbox, is just going to want to wheelie quite a lot, so that's going to be something you'll have to think about. So they did turn a little bit harder and you keep a little bit more throttle in the middle of the turn really. But such a minute amount. You can still ride them in exactly the same way. I was watching some of the lines out there of everybody today and looking at some of the black marks. They're using the whole track still. I'm using less and less of the track, because I'm happy with that extra bit of torque. But in general you can still ride them in both ways.

Odpusta 1000ka chyby menej ?

Je to velmi podobne. S 800kou bola mozno vacsia rychlost v zakrutach. Koli mensej sile 800ka nemala taku tendenciu k wheelie. S 1000kou, specialne na malom okruhu s kratkou prevodovkou to bude dvihat an co treba mysliet. Takze s 800kou zatacas tvrdo a v strede podrzis viac plynu. Teraz mozes urobit uplne to iste. Pozoroval som stopy na trati a vsetci pouzivaju celu sirku trate, ja pouzivam menej a menj trate, lebo mam dobry pocit s krutiaceho momentu. Ale vseobecne to mozes robit ako u 800ky.

Evo (411) napsal 23.02.2012 v 12:06

zverzak: dik. Super . Takze som to pochopil spravne.

zverzak (0) napsal 23.02.2012 v 11:59

Can you be less precise with the 1000 and still get away with it?

I'd say no. In a small way I think maybe, because of that extra torque you've got you can just square the corner off then and shoot it out. But the 800s already had a lot of power. And especially by the end of their time they already had a quite substantial amount and too much. You're still spinning up everywhere. So I'd say, no. I think you've still got to ride them in a very similar way. Try to ride them very accurately and everyone's just trying to massage out the bugs at the moment.

Mozes riadit menej presne s 1000kou a aj tak ist dobre ?

Nie. V malom ano, vdaka vacsiemu krutaku, kde zrezes zakrutu a potom vystrelis von, ale aj 800ky uz mali dost sily. Na konci az prilis, kde neustale preklzovali. Takze by som povedal, ze nie. Je to podobna jazda, kde sa snazis riadit precizne a postupne vychytavat chyby.

zverzak (0) napsal 23.02.2012 v 11:53

The weight's the same?

Now we've gone four kilos, but that was quite recently that they decided to add that. The bikes were designed and built and then they go, Ah yeah, we're going to add four kilos. So I don't think that's really the right way forward. And I hope they fight it. I hope they fight it and win because you don't make rules and change it at the last minute when the bike's already developed. So I think the extra four kilos isn't changing anything like that anyway. It's more or less the same weight. If it was 20 kilos difference in the bike, it might be a bit of difference. At this point it just feels very similar to the 800. The only thing that's different for us is the way the chassis feels. Like I said, I think we've made some improvements with that. And just corner exit, we're able to use that power a lot better, we're able to get a more torque out of the engine, have a lot more control with the engine because it's not so peaky. And actually I've found a lot more traction. Because of the extra torque and control, it wants to drive out of the corner a lot longer before it spins.

Rovnaka vaha ?

Ano, teraz sme pridali 4kg, len nedavno. Bajky boli pripravene a zrazu +4kg. Nemyslim si, ze to je spravna cesta. Dufam, ze to rozhodnutie zvratime. Pravidla sa nemenia na poslednu chvilu. A aj preto, ze 4kg vlastne nic neznamenaju. Ak by to bolo 20kg tak povezdme. Momentalne sa to sprava ako 800ka. Jedine pocit, ktory dava šasi je iny. Pocit je iny a na vyjazde sme schopni vyuzit viac krutiaceho momentu, lebo motor nema take špičky. Nasiel som dobru trakciu. Vdaka lepsej kontrole a viac krutaku to ide lepsie na vyjazde pred tym nez to zacne preklzovat.

zverzak (0) napsal 23.02.2012 v 11:43

Specifically, how is the 1000 different from the 800 on corner entry, mid-corner, exit?

Well, the only thing I think, not so much from the 1000 to 800, but just an improvement that we've made with Honda, is braking stability. The wheelbase is maybe a little different and when we go on the brakes we've, of course, got a bit more stability as we're going into the corner. The rear's not wanting to hop up as much. So we can actually sink our hands into the brakes a lot harder. So it's actually changing the braking points by a little bit less than what we'd expected, because our bike has improved quite substantially in that point. I'd say corner entry is exactly the same. Everything from that point on is very similar. I think it's mainly just chassis-wise that we've improved. The weight of the bike is exactly the same, the way it's going to react is very similar, if not the same.

Ako velmi su 800ky rozdielne od 1000ok na najazde, v zakrute, na vyjazde ?
Nie su velmi rozdielne, jedine v tom ako sme vylepsili stabilitu pri brzdeni u Hondy. The wheelbase (vzdialenost medzi kolesami) je trochu rozdielna a to asi sposobuje zvysenie stability na brzdach. Tym aj zadok nedviha tak velmi. Mozeme tak brzdit ovela prudsie. Takto sa nase brzdne body napriek predpokladom prilis nemenia. Povedal by som, ze nájazd je uplne rovnaky. Vsetko za najazdom je velmi podobne.Je to podla mna v šasi, ktore sme zdokonalili. Vaha je uplne rovnaka a reakcie bajku su velmi podobne.

Evo (411) napsal 23.02.2012 v 10:26

zverzak: anglicky velmi neviem , takze som sa musel spolahnut na google. Velmi zaujimavy clanok a mohol by nam ho prelozit napriklad Pacient . Najviac ma zaujala pasaz o rozdieloch medzi 800 a 1000. Ak som tomu dobre rozumel, tak Casey hovori v podstste to, co som tu uz davnejsie tvrdil: medzi oboma motorkami nie je velky rozdiel. Stale budes musiet jazdit rovnako presnu stopu a chyby co urobis silnejsim motorom nenapravis. Je to tak? Dobre som rozumel?

Eso_Rimmer (383) napsal 22.02.2012 v 20:10

mnoho... a kdyz zkusis to skleneny, placaty na zdi, tak tam bude jeden opravdu velikej, uvidis...

zverzak (0) napsal 22.02.2012 v 19:18

...naozaj perfektne interview s Casey Stoner


zverzak (0) napsal 22.02.2012 v 19:11

...videli ste uz vacsieho debila ?


...najlepsi je ten komentar autora, Valentino bol prekvapeny, ze tie kovy su zelene "asi by mal radsej zlte" hovori autor clanku :D

...vsetci si z neho robia srandu

AKRO (-498) napsal 22.02.2012 v 12:27

Mike99 - Třeba to bude ještě lepší!

Evo (411) napsal 21.02.2012 v 09:00

krouzil46: zatial tazko povedat. Uz viackrat som pisal, ze tuto koncepciu uz B+R poznaju, takze Rossi uz by sa toho nemal tolko bat a tym padom by mal mat aj lepsie vysledky.

krouzil46 (21) napsal 21.02.2012 v 08:41

akro22:37 aj ked to 5 miesto sa mi zda dosť optimistické

mike99 (322) napsal 21.02.2012 v 03:06

AKRO: myslim, ze ono je jedno, pod ktorym clankom to je napisane, stale sa tu rozobera ta ista tema

AKRO (-498) napsal 21.02.2012 v 00:28

Mike99 - S tím rekordem 660 příspěvků, pod článkem o Rossim, jsi měl samozřejmě pravdu! Tak toto je aspoň 576 příspěvků rekord pro Stonera!

AKRO (-498) napsal 21.02.2012 v 00:25

Mike99 - Každý neúspěch Valentina na Ducati, se taky nedá svádět jen na Stonera!

mike99 (322) napsal 20.02.2012 v 23:57 to vobec nie je pravda co pises, vsetko je len Caseyho zasluha! Ved sa spytaj miestnych odbornikov, oni ti povedia

AKRO (-498) napsal 20.02.2012 v 22:37

Za ty peníze dané do vývoje si myslím, že se Rossi odmění Ducati pěkným pátým místem!

SPV (816) napsal 20.02.2012 v 21:37

Myslim, ze vam nepomuze uz ani laska... (687) napsal 20.02.2012 v 21:32

@SPV: Taky tě miluju hehehe

zverzak (0) napsal 20.02.2012 v 21:03

to SPV:

SPV (816) napsal 20.02.2012 v 20:50

Letos je posledni sance vasi hvezdy se ukazat. Horsi misto nez 2. celkove, s jim vyvinutym motocyklem, je brano jako jasny neuspech...

SPV (816) napsal 20.02.2012 v 20:46

A je to tu opet, Rossisti pod clankem o Stonerovi hledaji vymluvy, proc to Rossimu nejelo a snazi se snizovat vykony ostatnich jezdcu.

Navic jejich zluty vudce ve 40 letech objevil Ameriku, ze k titulu je potreba nej motorka...
No samozrejme, ze Stoner mel nej motorku! Uplne stejne, jako ji mel Rossi u kazdeho sveho titulu..!

Akorat jsme vsichni videli, jak to dopadlo,kdyz ten jeden sedl na tentyz stroj..,co?

AKRO (-498) napsal 20.02.2012 v 20:41 - Ono to složení jezdců je u Hondy o něco lepší, než u Ducati a to myslím bez legrace! Stoner a Pedrosa jsou v současné době lepší, než Rossi a Hayden! (687) napsal 20.02.2012 v 16:29

@mike99: To je pravda, ale je to jen za "B", za "A" je, že v obou případech přišel k fabrice v moment, kdy se motorka dostala do velmi dobré fáze.

mike99 (322) napsal 20.02.2012 v 16:17 aby sme si rozumeli, Ducati na vrchol vytiahol Stoner presne tak isto, ako to spravil aj tuto sezonu v Honde

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