Téma: SP 400 + supertwins NA czech road racing
9.2.2012 v 09:08
Zaslechl jsem nějáké novinky o třídě Supertwin a byl bych nesmírně rád kdyby tahle třída odstartovala svoji českou historii. Velice potěšující zpráva je že Supertwiny nejsou moc nákladné ale také nejsou moc výkonné. Tak jsme zde v Brně uvažovali zda by nestálo za pováženou založit novou třidu SUPERTWINS + 400SP ( 400 4T ). Mimochodem už jsem viděl v závodním oddělení Bronx Racing Teamu jednu Kawasaki ZXR 400 a chystá se podívaná třeba i na VFR, RVF, FZR, CBR, ZXR, GSXR. To vše je přijatelná možnost spojení dvou krásných tříd které by byli zvlášť klasifikováni a myslím si že tyhle malé čtyřválce si najdou své milovníky a k třídě SUPERTWIN se hodí jak už výkonem tak i váhou.


1 reakcí na tento příspěvek SP 400 + supertwins NA czech road racing

20.10.2014 v 17:15 | Nahoru | #1
On není Monster nový nebo zánovní? Rozhodně mi to přijde víc "race" motorka než SV a ER-6. Alespoň tu bude víc než jedna rychlá motorka v republice...

Naposledy editováno 20.10.2014 17:25:57

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) SP 400 + supertwins NA czech road racing

20.10.2014 v 17:41 | Nahoru | #2

matrixbiker píše: On není Monster nový nebo zánovní? Rozhodně mi to přijde víc "race" motorka než SV a ER-6. Alespoň tu bude víc než jedna rychlá motorka v republice...

Vytahuješ si z toho jen co potřebuješ, nikdo neřekl, že není zánovní, ale že dle řádů v Irsku nebo na TT tam Monster prostě jet nemůže. U nás má v řádech ale výjimku, a jsou tam i vzduchem chlazené dvouválce do 820ccm. A jsou tam proto, protože se to okopírovalo zase z řádů http://www.thundersportgb.com/index.php/downloads/cat_view/1-2014-technical-regulations?start=10

kde se konkrétně píše toto

Eligible Machines:
Any four-stroke twin cylinder motorcycle originally sold for road use with a water cooled engine of up to
650cc may be used and any air cooled twin cylinder motorcycle up to 820cc provided it adheres to the
following regulations.

jinak celkově ty řády zní takto:

These regulations are additional to the ACU Standing Regulations as laid out in the ACU Handbook.
1) Eligible Machines:
Any four-stroke twin cylinder motorcycle originally sold for road use with a water cooled engine of up to
650cc may be used and any air cooled twin cylinder motorcycle up to 820cc provided it adheres to the
following regulations.
2) Frame & Swing Arm:
Frame must remain as originally produced by the manufacturer for the homologated machine. Surplus
attachment brackets may be removed and/or replaced, sub frame attachment & instrument brackets are
free. Rear sub frame may be replaced or modified. Swing arm may be replaced from a model of the same
Manufacturer, provided the original attachment to frame and rear suspension remains as per original
frame model.
3) Suspension:
Front forks and yokes/clamps are free.
Steering damper may be added or changed.
Rear suspension unit can be changed or modified, but the original attachment to the frame and swing arm
must remain as per original frame model.
4) Brakes:
Front and rear brakes are free. Only ferrous materials are allowed for brake discs and no exotic materials
are permitted.
5) Wheels & Tyres:
Wheels may be replaced with any size or make, but carbon fibre or other exotic materials are forbidden.
Make of tyre is free, but all tyres must be road legal treaded versions with a DOT or ‘E’ marking. Only
when a “Wet Race” is declared, are full wets or racing intermediates permitted.
6) Electric starter and kill switch:
Where the motorcycle is originally fitted with an electric starter, the engine must be capable of starting on
the starter button at Post Race Technical Controls. The kill switch must be located on the handlebars and
must be operational at all times. Kill switches must be located in such a way that they are able to be
operated by the rider with his hands still on the handlebar controls.
7) Bodywork, tank, fairing and seat unit:
Fairing, mudguards and seat unit are free.
Windscreen, if fitted, may be replaced with transparent material only. The original instruments and fairing brackets may be removed, replaced or added to.
The petrol tank is free.
The lower fairing has to be constructed to hold, in case of an engine breakdown, at least half of the total
oil and engine coolant capacity used in the engine (minimum 5 litres). The lower edge of openings in the
fairing must be positioned at least 50 mm above the bottom of the fairing.
8) Engine:
Original cylinder head, rods, pistons, valves, cylinders may be modified but the capacity must not exceed
650cc for water cooled engines or 820cc for air-cooled engines.
Pistons may be replaced or modified.
Camshafts may be altered or replaced.
Polishing and lightening of engine parts is permitted.
9) Transmission:
Additions to the gearbox or selector mechanism, such as quick shift systems are permitted.
Clutch springs, friction and drive plates may be replaced.
The use of slipper clutches is permitted.
Front and rear external drive sprockets, chain pitch, width and length can be changed.
10) Exhaust System;
Exhaust system is free.
11) Fuel:
Only Unleaded fuel as specified in the 2014 ACU Handbook, or up to E100 Bio-fuel is permitted.
12) Weight:
Minimum weight at post race control shall be 118 kg.

A vím to, protože jsem pomáhala vyhledávat.

Naposledy editováno 20.10.2014 17:42:23
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