globalmoto_nolan Přidat reklamu

Téma: Fiktivní zájemci z Anglie.
4.8.2011 v 14:24
Čus motorkáři, poslední dobou mi píšou zájemci z Anglie.Jsou víc než ochotný mi poslat prachy na účet a bla bla bla.Přijde mi to divní, že by poděl?Nejsem včerejší a o motorku přijít nechci.Zkopíruju sem psaní nějakýho Mike Andrew.

Hello, i am mike, i like this bike and i am ready to buy , please let me know if the bike is still available.
soonest reply

i am currently in England.........
And i am ready to pay the price..
i like the bike and please when last do you change the oil and service
the bike?
and how many years have you been using the bike?
am ready to purchase.
please get back to me soonest so that payment and pick up can be
arrange immediately.

best regards

I'm satisfied with the condition of the bike....
I will be paying you through PayPal ( or bank to bank transfer which is a fast, safe and reliable method of payment..
And i will take care of all Shipment Preparations for the bike to my home in England,
The shipping company will be the one to handle and sign the following on my behalf:
vehicle deregistration at the Police, Control of Originality and the sale of contract will be accessed by the shipping company .
So i will be paying directly into your bank account without any

delay. Get back to me with the details below to make the transfer.

Account Holder Name;
Account Number;
Bank Name:
Swift Code:

So once i receive the bank details to make the transfer i will i will
go ahead with the payment and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment I will need your home address for the bike to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company after the payment is completed

soonest reply needed

Kámoš mi hned řekl že jeho angličtina neni ta co používaj v Anglii....
Setkali ste se s tim někdo už?
Jména co mi psali Mike Andrew a Maria Gkaidatzi(taky udajne Anglie, Facebook mi ukazal že je z Ekvádoru)

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Fiktivní zájemci z Anglie.

22.9.2011 v 19:06 | Nahoru | #1
Tak to mi dnes poslal!!!

Thanks for the response on the bike but my work schedule is keeping me too busy...I would have loved to come in person to have a look and maybe test drive it but my work is preventing me to...due to the nature of my work I won't be able to...I'm a oceanographer,I'm at sea right now,I'm buying this as a gift for my son in England as a surprise gift because his birthday is coming up soon and I will like to surprise him am ready to pay the price..
i like the bike, please when last do you change the oil and service
the bike?
and how many years have you been using the bike?
what is the condition of the bike
am ready to purchase.
please get back to me soonest so that payment and pick up can be
arrange immediately...

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Fiktivní zájemci z Anglie.

22.9.2011 v 19:27 | Nahoru | #2
[quote=RSVreno]Tak to mi dnes poslal!!!

Thanks for the response on the bike but my work schedule is keeping me too busy...I would have loved to come in person to have a look and maybe test drive it but my work is preventing me to...due to the nature of my work I won't be able to...I'm a oceanographer,I'm at sea right now,I'm buying this as a gift for my son in England as a surprise gift because his birthday is coming up soon and I will like to surprise him am ready to pay the price..
i like the bike, please when last do you change the oil and service
the bike?
and how many years have you been using the bike?
what is the condition of the bike
am ready to purchase.
please get back to me soonest so that payment and pick up can be
arrange immediately...

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Tak to je neuvěřitelný! Přesně tyhle kecy, dárek pro syna, kdy olej, jaký servos na kole, kolik let jsem kolo používal! Je to jeden a ten samej zmrd! Napiš mu jednoznačnou odpověď...
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