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Téma: Prodej motorky do anglie?
2.8.2011 v 21:45
Zdar hoši,prodávám gt 125 a chce ho po mě borec z anglie.Co musím všecko udělat,abych mu to mohl prodat?Odhlásit motorku a musí se řešit nějaký věci kolem pojistky atd??Dikec moc.

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Prodej motorky do anglie?

14.1.2013 v 21:59 | Nahoru | #1
Zdar Chlapi,

prodavam choppera Dragstar 1100 a potrebuju nutne pomoct, asi jsem jim naletel a tedka me chce žalovat jeden z tech anglanu. Uz me prisel email od FBI a z Interpolu, ze pokud jim neposlu penize 500 liber tak me zmrazi ucet u ČS. Psali jsme si na seznamu taky podobny valy co tady pisete, vsechno me prislo do spamu. Tady vam to zkopiruju:

Thanks for your mail,i am glad to hear from you that it is still available for sale.I am from United Kingdom and i would have love to come and view it but due to the nature of my work as a Marine Engineer so i cannot come.

I want you to know that i can only make the payment via direct Bank Transfer to your Account or PayPal which is more safer,secure and fast to make the transaction.

I want you to get back to me with all this details below for the payment :

Bank Name:
Account Holder's Name:
Bank Name:
Iban Number:
Bic Code/Swift Code:
Amount in Euro :
Phone Number


PayPal Email Address :
Name :
Amount in Euro :

I want you to make sure that you complete the transaction as soon as the payment has been made before the shipping agent will be able to come for the pick up.

I also want us to develop more trust and believe in each other so we can be friend and have a long deal in future.

Nice doing business with you.

I wait for your mail


to byl prvni , a ted ten druhej od dalsiho picusa anglana - ten na me podal tu zalobu (legal action)

Thanks for the response to my mail. I want to know the cost of the bike and the shipment cost in GBP currency so that the transfer of the money will be easy for me, please reply me with your bank details for me to forward the details to my bank for immediate transfer of the money into your account.
I need the bank details as follow:

Account holder name:
Account number:
Bank Name:.
Bank Address:
Swift / Iban code:
Total cost:

Thank you for your co-operation in anticipation.
V. Parker.

Tak chlapi a problem je v tom, ze jsem oboum tem kokotum poslal vsechny moje bankovni udaje tzn: BIC,cislo uctu,IBAN, adresu, jmeno banky, adresu banky.

Den na to mi prisli emaily ze skotske banky(services@Scotia Bank) a royal banky(
ze musim prevest prvnimu 700 euro za lodni dopravu nebo li - (shipping company)
a druhymu 500 liber.
Asi se ptate proc jsem ty bankovni udaje poslal obema ten anglicanum, chtel jsem mit jistotu aspon u jednoho, tak jsem to poslal oboum, necekal jsem, ze se oba chytnou a "poslou" oba penize.

Divny mi bylo ze ty maily prisli hned druhej den jeste k tomu nedeli.

No ale potom dalsi den prislo oznameni z FBI a Interpolu, ze pokud nezaplatim zmrazi mi ucet a ja nebudu mit pristup ke svym penezum.

S anglanem jsme si psali i pres skype, ale to byla stejna pisnicka.

Oba dva stale upozornovali na to ze uz nemuzou dostat penize zpet, ze jsou na ceste ke mne a nemaji k nim pristup. A jakmile zaplatim prepravne (700euro a 500 liber) tak se mi prictou penize na ucet za motorku. Jeden to poslal v eurech 5860 (700 doprava). Druhej prevedl udajne pouze 2500 liber, coz je na nase pouze 62500Kč a motorka ma cenu 129.000Kč, uz to je nejaky podezrely. Pak jsem se ho ptal proc prevedl jenom tolik a on na to, ze prej "chyba se muze stat" a ze mi dalsi penize doposle. Na to jsem mu rekl, at uz nic neposila.

Jasne taky proc by kupovali motorku do anglie, kdyz ji ani nevideli, neslyseli a nesvezli se na ni ?!

Co ted, mam se bat toho emailu, kterej mi prisel do spamu od FBI, ve kterem je na obrazku stara baba se psem a na nem je napsany "today is FBI its for you".
Obsah toho mailu vam sem dam radsi taky:
je tam napsany, ze se jedna o zalobu a ze jsem byl obvinen z podvodu a dalsi kecy.
This is a Legal Action notice regarding the Transaction between you and Our Client, Mr. Victor Parker.

We are taking this action because of your non-responsive behavior and in response to the mail Mr. Victor Parker sent to us and our department has look and consider it an act of FRAUD!

The payment has been approved and confirmed by our credit department. The transfer cannot be canceled at this moment because we have already finalized the transaction on our database machine. The transfer has gone beyond the level whereby the transfer can be deducted or canceled. We have already finalized the sum £ 2,500.00 GBP to your bank account.

But you have to go ahead and transfer the shipping charges to the shipping company and then send us the Transfer Details and a copy of the Western Union Money Transfer Receipt for Verification.

Once the verification is completed your account would be credited and we have contacted your bank informing them about the action we are about to take.

If you fail to transfer the money and send the transfer details to us within 24 HRS, your Bank Account will be Frozen and void with immediate effect!

This means you will lose all the money you have in your Bank Account also you would be reported to the International Fraud and Corruption Agency who work hand in hand with the International Police Department (Interpol) for Online Fraud Attempt.

This action start as soon as you receive this email from us and we want you to know that all we are doing is to make a secure transaction and protect the seller and buyer from internet fraudulent act.

We shall be looking forward to your swift reply.

Thanks for Using Royal Bank Transfer Services.


Steve Anderson,

Jsem z toho uplne vyklepanej...prosim poradte

dekuji kazdymu, kdo si to precetl a taky za kazdou reakci


1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) Prodej motorky do anglie?

14.1.2013 v 22:07 | Nahoru | #2
reksa> sorry ale jsi tak blbej,nebo si děláš srandu?
Pro vložení příspěvku se musíte přihlásit nebo registrovat.
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