Téma: Indiho nehoda- infromace o stavu... Cookstown 100
29.4.2011 v 11:23
Edit: aby se tu nezačalo spekulovat atd. tak tu budu přidávat postupně informace, takže koukejte na poslední přidané příspěvky

Tak Indi včera odletěl do Irska, dnes proběhnou kvaldy a zítra v jedenáct našeho času to začíná. Mělo by to být live na rádiu na netu:

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tady na foru by měly být průběžně nové informace

Naposledy editováno 23.05.2011 09:08:48

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Indiho nehoda- infromace o stavu... Cookstown 100

4.5.2011 v 00:07 | Nahoru | #1
indi před hodinou volal že se cítí mnohem lépe. Má hodně návštěv, dárků, přání....

email od Wendy:

We are just back home from visiting Indi in hospital. He had the surgery to fix his back injury early this morning. We thought he would still be sleepy from the surgery but he was awake. He told us he was feeling much better and the pain in much less. He was very happy tonight and had a lot of jokes with us.
Trevor Lindsay, Maurice and James visited also. Maurice brought Indi some coffee and we was very happy as he has not had any coffee since coming into hospital.

He is still having a lot of visitors who are bringing him gifts and he is receiving many good wishes from all his fans.

I have sent you some pictures so you can see he is much better tonight.

There is a picture of Doctor John Hinds (the travelling doctor) who attended to Indi at the crash scene......he was there in 2 minutes of the crash.

I hope this makes you feel much better tonight and that you can rest easy. Now you know we are taking good care of Indi.

Will email tomorrow night and let you know his progress.


Wendy & Hugh

(reakce na) Indiho nehoda- infromace o stavu... Cookstown 100

4.5.2011 v 00:07 | Nahoru | #2

Veronika-Suzuki píše: indi před hodinou volal že se cítí mnohem lépe. Má hodně návštěv, dárků, přání....

email od Wendy:

We are just back home from visiting Indi in hospital. He had the surgery to fix his back injury early this morning. We thought he would still be sleepy from the surgery but he was awake. He told us he was feeling much better and the pain in much less. He was very happy tonight and had a lot of jokes with us.
Trevor Lindsay, Maurice and James visited also. Maurice brought Indi some coffee and we was very happy as he has not had any coffee since coming into hospital.

He is still having a lot of visitors who are bringing him gifts and he is receiving many good wishes from all his fans.

I have sent you some pictures so you can see he is much better tonight.

There is a picture of Doctor John Hinds (the travelling doctor) who attended to Indi at the crash scene......he was there in 2 minutes of the crash.

I hope this makes you feel much better tonight and that you can rest easy. Now you know we are taking good care of Indi.

Will email tomorrow night and let you know his progress.


Wendy & Hugh

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