Téma: new in brno / neu in brno
21.3.2010 v 21:07
bohužel nemohu stále velmi Čeština

Hallo, ich stelle mich kurz vor. An meinem Nick kann man erkennen woher ich komme. Ich bin nun vor etwa 6 Wochen von Hamburg nach Brno umgezogen und leider kann ich noch nicht sehr viel tschechisch, daher schreibe ich nun in deutsch und englisch und hoffe irgendwer versteht mich trotzdem.

Seit also 6 Wochen lebe ich in Brno, arbeite hier und möchte auch gerne hier leben bleiben. Bislang habe ich noch nicht sehr viele Freunde. Überwiegend kenne ich nur die Leute rund um Prospeed da ich dort auch selber einer der Instruktoren bin. Dann kenne ich noch ein paar Leute aus dem Ducati Monster Club.

Hier schreibe ich nun weil ich gerne weitere Menschen kennenlernen möchte und hoffe einige Freundschaften zu finden.
Ich fahre selber eine Suzuki GSXR 1000 K5 und fahre geren etwas schneller und sportlicher.

Ich würde mich freuen Männer und Frauen kennenzulernen die mir ein wenig die Gegend zeigen, die schönen Strecken und sich vielleicht auch mal ausserhalb des Motorrad fahrens mit mir treffen.

Ich bin auch gerne bereit mal jemanden mitzunehmen auf eine Tour oder mich spontan zu treffen.

Gruss Guido

Hi there, i would like to introduce myself. By reading my nick name you realize wher i am usually from. About 6 weeks ago i came from Hamburg to Brno and i am sorry, but untill now i di not learn enough of the czech language so i write in german and english.

Since 6 weeks i live now in Brno, work here and really want to live here for a long term. Untill now i only know some people of Prospeed because i am also one of the Prospeed instructors. Also i know some people of the Ducati Monster Club Brno.

I am writing here right now because i would like to get contact to some more people and try to install some kinds of friendship. My bike is a Suzuki GSXR 1000 K5 and i like to ride a little bit faster and sporty.

I would like to meet men and women who will show me the area and the nice raods for biking or also meet without bike for a beer or a coffee.

I also have absolutely no problem to take someone with me on the bike for a trip or go on a trip spontaneously.

greets Guido

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23.3.2010 v 11:00 | Nahoru | #61
Dawe02> Alright, thought about it for a while, as you suggested, aaaand... my conclusion is that it does not do any harm to anyone, 'cept for one's ego maybe, thus it's ok to go on laughing.

new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 11:10 | Nahoru | #62
How Long was your a while?
This varies from each person. But it should be longer than a bit which you spent in thinking.
Maybe later you'll recognise what I actually wanted to say in my last post

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23.3.2010 v 11:12 | Nahoru | #63

lucí_S>Congratulation Nice to heare it. So I have to practice now. Someone told me, that I will kill myself on it

Don't worry about them ...perhaps you sholud go with us to stone quarry in Blansko, sometimes ...

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 11:24 | Nahoru | #64

Dr.Houba>Don't worry about them ...perhaps you sholud go with us to stone quarry in Blansko, sometimes ...

I´ll try some day But first of all I need to try to be a friend with my bike

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23.3.2010 v 11:34 | Nahoru | #65

Natsu>Dawe02> Alright, thought about it for a while, as you suggested, aaaand... my conclusion is that it does not do any harm to anyone, 'cept for one's ego maybe, thus it's ok to go on laughing.

And you really think that this is an example of how to be good and cool in english? Don't fool yourself, seem's to me more like a "wannabe".
My personal hint for you is not to present yourself this way, your way how you use english is kind of odd, trust me
It is just the scholar way which is never used for a normal daily communication.

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23.3.2010 v 13:40 | Nahoru | #66

Bludevil>...which is never used for a normal daily communication.

Your statement doesn't make any sense. What's definition of 'a normal daily communication', please? And if you magically figure one out, let me know. I've got another question prepared and that'd be 'who's having that nice conversation held in 'proper' english'. Parents and kids? Gf and Bf? Highschool kids? Customer and company representative?...and I could go on like this for quite a while.

Sooner or later you'd realize it's impossible to define how 'a normal daily communication' should look like.

*e* - But nice try anyway.

Naposledy editováno 23.03.2010 13:42:18

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23.3.2010 v 15:24 | Nahoru | #67
Bludevil> Should't we make some trip with Guido rather than chaffer about nothink?

Guido> what about your off highway activities? Do you plan to spent more time on Brno track? You are much closer now...

Naposledy editováno 23.03.2010 15:24:28

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23.3.2010 v 15:27 | Nahoru | #68
Dawe02> He told me that he is going to call me approx. at 5 P.M. today to arrange a ride. so if you would lide to join, write me a PM and we will discuss it

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23.3.2010 v 15:31 | Nahoru | #69

Natsu>Your statement doesn't make any sense. What's definition of 'a normal daily communication', please? And if you magically figure one out, let me know. I've got another question prepared and that'd be 'who's having that nice conversation held in 'proper' english'. Parents and kids? Gf and Bf? Highschool kids? Customer and company representative?...and I could go on like this for quite a while.

Sooner or later you'd realize it's impossible to define how 'a normal daily communication' should look like.

*e* - But nice try anyway.

I can say that after 2 years spent in school at the USA I know a bit about daily communication. The same example is that I spent a lot of time in a group of foreing military families in there and I kind of realized the difference between normal conversation and attemps to be interesting by using a language in a strange way.

At last, it's your fault that your social skill is so low that you can't see or feel the difference

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23.3.2010 v 16:24 | Nahoru | #70

Bludevil>I can say that after 2 years spent in school at the USA I know a bit about daily communication. The same example is that I spent a lot of time in a group of foreing military families in there and I kind of realized the difference between normal conversation and attemps to be interesting by using a language in a strange way.

At last, it's your fault that your social skill is so low that you can't see or feel the difference

Lmao. I must have read all the strange books, seen all the strange movies and talked to all the strange people in the world then. For as you say, I'm using the english language in a strange way. Either this or you still got a lot to learn 'bout english yourself ... To be honest, I'd put my bets on the latter. And I don't mean to sound cocky, not at all. I know my limits well, and I know they're nowhere near where you put them.

Naposledy editováno 23.03.2010 16:28:00

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23.3.2010 v 16:34 | Nahoru | #71
Natsu> Who the hell cares about perfect english
Half of the forum here has problem with czech

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23.3.2010 v 16:40 | Nahoru | #72

vonZahn>Natsu> Who the hell cares about perfect english
Half of the forum here has problem with czech

I think you are way too optimistic

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23.3.2010 v 16:52 | Nahoru | #73
Natsu> My opinion is that the case with your english is the same case as you with riding the bike... Cocky until crash.

And a question: to how many native speakers you have spoken personally using your english?

Naposledy editováno 23.03.2010 16:54:20

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23.3.2010 v 17:05 | Nahoru | #74
Your language skill could be impressive (mine is so poor even to consider that) and nobody argue I guess.
But Bluedevil is right it's not so mandatory to have perfect grammar but have somethink to say... in today's life.
And again, it's funnier to have a fun on the people due to their english than their english itself.

Anyway, guys this was not topic about english, right?


Naposledy editováno 23.03.2010 17:09:13

new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 17:18 | Nahoru | #75
panove, nereste hamburgovu anglictinu, ta je mu pro bezny zivot v brne platna, jak hadovi noha. nebudte chamtivi a seznamte ho radsi s nejakou sikovnou slecnou, co ho nauci cesky (brnensky).

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 18:23 | Nahoru | #76
@ all

i think the discussion about who is using english correct and who is making mistakes was not why i wrote this threat....and please...i think this disussion is right now at a breakpoint.....no one is perfect...nearly everyone is making mistakes sometimes....my mistake is, i came here without knowing perfect czech.....but a lot of people gave me a warm and heartly welcome...so from my point of view we can close the discussion about who is bad in a language and who not....nobody is perfect but in the end we understand eachother...and this is the most important point....


i was in austrai today to bring the bmw s1000rr of my dear friend to the first service.....so today i am done with biking....500 km have been enough.....
but i will meet bluedevil later....so if you are interested in spending time with us you are totally invited.....sned me a short personal message and i you will get my phone number
hope we will finde a date together to go on track the same time.....

@dr houba and luci s
i think we will also find a perfect time for a slower speeded ride.....maybe i ask ingrid to get her monster for that....most important point for me is having fun and meet some new people....

(reakce na) new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 18:39 | Nahoru | #77

Bludevil>Natsu> My opinion is that the case with your english is the same case as you with riding the bike... Cocky until crash.

And a question: to how many native speakers you have spoken personally using your english?

That would be true if only I was learning english for just 2 weeks.
And what kind of question is that... Would you like to try to measure my abilities in some way?
See, no matter what my answer to your question is, you're gonna try hard to prove how I do not qualify for the world of 'proper' english. But the truth is, I qualified long time ago. And everytime someone gets impressed by my skills, I know I can be proud of all I've learned. And no offence, but you're not native speaker yourself, you can hardly validate me

Dawe02> Indeed, I've never intended for our little chat here go this far. So, lets get back to the topic.

per.la> vubec sme neresili jeho english Na druhou stranu, asi nejsi jedina, kdo poradne necte mezi radky bez urazky

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23.3.2010 v 18:47 | Nahoru | #78

vonZahn>I think he was just trying to find google translator limits. These were untranslatable phrases

Hamburg-City> Hi, welcome in my favourite city. I was leaved here for long time, but now is my home in litle town
I wish you a lot of covered kilometres
Last season i make sure, that a german´s accuracy is great I was entrant of the "Suzuki V-Strom Treffen" in Bayerischer Wald. It was very good meeting!
I thing, that V-Strom is better for our roads but you have within reach the Masaryk circuit

new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 18:58 | Nahoru | #79
Welcome to our beautiful country! Good luck on our strange roads, it's something really dissapointing, but like everywhere - no money... Anyway - your bike is wonderful! Like this color combination

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23.3.2010 v 19:05 | Nahoru | #80
Hamburg-City> The reason for the 'flame war' here, between me and the rest, was that I said 'Schadenfreude' (a term you might be familiar with) is NOT bad. It's just another kind of fun you can have in your life and it does not do any serious harm to anyone, right?

Sadly I was misunderstood and people thought I was just trying to show off. Which, I admit, is a logical assumption given the fact Im sometimes pain in the ass of those who try to speak english, as Im always there,.. trying to help,.. correcting their grammar errors. Nobody ever thanked me for that, but I still bother to help anyway... And needless to say, I did not attempt to make a single grammatical correction in this thread, because I DO understand that the only thing that matters in here - is to understand each other.

Therefore, I believe the discussion 'bout how 'awesome' some of us are is now over.

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23.3.2010 v 19:56 | Nahoru | #81

Natsu>Sadly I was misunderstood and people thought I was just trying to show off. Which, I admit, is a logical assumption given the fact Im sometimes pain in the ass of those who try to speak english, as Im always there...

Bravo, you hit the nail on the head. Now when we found the root cause some of us can go to the pub and finally invite Guido among us f2f.
Nevertheless, if you had realised that logical assumption before we wouldn't have taken this meaningless chat...

3 reakcí na tento příspěvek new in brno / neu in brno

23.3.2010 v 21:59 | Nahoru | #82

i can only give you one advice...dont try to be the teacher of all people which might make mistakes....you cant change all of them...and from my point of view its also not necessary because nobody has to stand a test and get a note for a chat.....and i really hope....now the discussion about good or bad english, mistakes or missunderstandings is really gone....please ....and better you accept all mistakes in english language than me writing czech....imageine how funny this would be....i am sure would be worse....

@ dawe02
your time for an invitation will come, i am sure....

and again...i really thank all of you for your help to give me a good start.....and i really hope time will give us the possibilty to meet and talk from face to face....i promise i learn czech as fast as possible.....but i am also sure it will take a long time to stand a talk like we had now in english in zech language.....not for you but sure for me....

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24.3.2010 v 08:25 | Nahoru | #83
Hamburg-City> Thank you And dont worry about lerning czech. There are so many people who will understand you

new in brno / neu in brno

24.3.2010 v 08:50 | Nahoru | #84
Sakryš, dokud psal Hamburg-City dvojjazyčně, tak jsem pochytal 99%, jakmile přešel na pouhou angličtinu tak jsem v háji
Jak to říkala naše učitelka? Mimoňové, teď na to serete, ale jednou (a může to být klidně až za dvacet let) si na mne vzpomenete!! UAAAAA, a ja to tady!

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24.3.2010 v 09:17 | Nahoru | #85
Hamburg-City> Hi! About learning czech, you know how hard it is, so right now we can still stick to english, it will be far more useful. And think about a term for a ride, when you will return from Germany.

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24.3.2010 v 09:47 | Nahoru | #86
Hamburg-City> as Bludevil wrote, Czech is difficult language for foreigners but I think that using English or German won´t be a problem in Brno - most of young people are students which understand(at least) and many of them will be able to communicate with you.

On the other hand, it could be a problem in countryside or in communication with older people but this can fix few basic sentences.

new in brno / neu in brno

24.3.2010 v 11:27 | Nahoru | #87
from my point of view i have to learn czech because this is a kind of respect to country i want to live in

of course i can pass many situation in brno or around with english, german and basics of czech....but this is not enough for me....i want to become as normal in using czech as possible....so be prepared i will cahnge my language skills

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24.3.2010 v 11:34 | Nahoru | #88
@luci s

thanks for making me hope....i am in this city since nearly the beginning of the year...and untill now it was nearly impossible to get in contact with other people....lots of times i heard something like "i hate germans" also "if you dont speak czech i dont want to talk to you" or "you are a german bike who is only here for having fun and playing fool with girls"

and its hard to stand this kind of discussion which is partly really agressive....

i know that germans are kind of lets call ist difficult and special....but i left germany and came here because i am also fed up with the typical germans...the agressive tourists that no one likes....i hope i can show all of you that i am different in many ways.....

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24.3.2010 v 11:56 | Nahoru | #89
Hamburg-City> Hey Guido, dont be wrong. I've got many german colleagues who were absolutely nice people, clever, funny, pleasant...
We aren't all pseudo nationalists or xenophobic persons
Take easy those who are.

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24.3.2010 v 11:59 | Nahoru | #90
Hamburg-City> It will be better, you need time and after you make some friends here, you will see, that we dont hate german people - we hate people who dont respcet us 3 years ago I started to work for IT company here in Brno and we had to assumed the project from germany. It was too sad to see the people there. Because we were the one who stole the job them But this is life.
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