globalmoto_nolan Přidat reklamu

Téma: Norsko - jízda mimo cesty
23.12.2017 v 15:06
prosím vás, nevíte náhodou jak je to v Norsku s ježděním mimo cesty? Mají někde nějaký zákon? Hledám nějaké info ale na nic jsem zatím nenarazil. Prostě projet s motorkou přes rozlehlou planinu atd...

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek Norsko - jízda mimo cesty

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 24.12.2017 v 13:07 | Nahoru | #1
Shodou okolnosti jsem mel na tohle tema ve spanelsku pokec s nory a svedy... cokoli mimo cesty je nelegalni a postihy jsou docela krute, motorka jedine dedikovane trate a okruhy. Dokonce zvazuji, ze omezi i horskou cyklistiku, ze pry je tam prilis cyklistu a priroda trpi.. proste ekologie level 10 :)
Komicke je pouzivani skutru na severu svedska, i tam je totiz potreba jezdit "po vyznacene trati", akorat je pry docela problem ji vubec najit :)

Norsko - jízda mimo cesty

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 24.12.2017 v 21:52 | Nahoru | #2
Zkus vyhledat něco jako "Norway offroad" a vyjede ti něco na způsob:
Welcome to Norway!
You are free to drive on all public roads of course, and there are many dirt roads in various shape you can choose from. On private roads you need the blessing from the ground owner. Farmers and other land owners usually have clear signs that tell you that driving is not welcome.
Driving off the roads is actually illegal for the most part. There are however areas around Norway you can drive legally under management of different 4x4 clubs.
When it comes to hiking / camping you are free to do whatever you want in all of Norway as long as you clean up after you and don't disturb anyone. I think the law dictates that if you plan on camping for more than two days, you must notify the ground owner.

Víc se snad doporučuje Finsko
As for Finland: it really depends what you're after. If you're a skilled rider and want to get most out of your trip with your 450 your best bet is to ride the numerous enduro tracks you'll find all around Finland. You don't usually need to be a member of any club, you'll just pay a daily fee (a couple of euros).
Proper off-road is restricted to these enduro tracks and that should be respected.
If your bike is registered and you're looking for a more safari-like riding you have plenty more options. There's 120 000 kilometers of logging roads plus an extensive networks of unmaintained gravel roads (= tracks that are still classified as roads even if they haven't been maintained for decades). As long as you have a plate on your bike you can ride these and have loads of fun.

Norsko - jízda mimo cesty

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 29.12.2017 v 09:06 | Nahoru | #3
Nevím jestli ti to pomůže a ani jak to má ta agentura ošéfované nebo se informuj na facebooku skupina Gravel Boys Bergen, Norway

Naposledy editováno 29.12.2017 10:34:04
Pro vložení příspěvku se musíte přihlásit nebo registrovat.
