Téma: Tipy pro Česko
7.4.2023 v 19:03
Ahoj přátelé motorkáři, jmenuji se Thomas, je mi 30 let a plánuji cestu do vaší země z Belgie. V současné době používám chatGP k usnadnění mého výzkumu a vytváření tras. Není to špatné, ale s kurzy to bojuje, návratů je také tolik, že bez skutečné znalosti terénu je těžké říct pro a proti. Proto by mě zajímalo z vašeho pohledu, které kraje, silnice, vyhlídky, místa v ČR jsou důležité pro váš první roadtrip? Pokud máte nějaké další tipy, jsem celá za uši :)

Další věc, pro úsporu času můžu vzít dodávku s motorkou a zaparkovat ji v SZ - JZ části republiky. Nemáte někdo bezpečnou adresu, která by sloužila jako výchozí bod, kde bych mohl nechat auto zaparkované týden nebo o něco déle?

Doufám, že překlad bude dobrý.

Předem všem děkuji V.


Tipy pro Česko

7.4.2023 v 19:25 | Nahoru | #1
Tak hlavně bych nejezdil do Prahy.

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Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 7.4.2023 v 20:09 | Nahoru | #2
Hi Thomas,
look at this: https://sk.mapy.cz/s/nofesanaku

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7.4.2023 v 21:05 | Nahoru | #3
titus> Ani přechod? Proč?

jdu900fire_blejt> Úžasné, přesně takový track, který mi může vyhovovat, sleduji

Naposledy editováno 07.04.2023 21:12:03

Tipy pro Česko

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 7.4.2023 v 22:57 | Nahoru | #4
If you are looking for on-road travel, there is a list of points of interest on this web that can be filtered by category, there is also a list of good or interesting routes that you can take to get you there. For off-road adventure, just follow the trans czech trail.

Tipy pro Česko

8.4.2023 v 10:55 | Nahoru | #5
Hi, in our country are lot of nice locations, but everythink is small and trips are short... Generaly I can offer South Bohemia and district called Vysočina. You would avoid lowlands. Use best maps ever - mapy.cz (android, iOS too).

Naposledy editováno 08.04.2023 11:03:47

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Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 8.4.2023 v 11:17 | Nahoru | #6

Thoums píše: titus> Ani přechod? Proč?

jdu900fire_blejt> Úžasné, přesně takový track, který mi může vyhovovat, sleduji



(reakce na) Tipy pro Česko

8.4.2023 v 19:53 | Nahoru | #7
jdu900fire_blejt> Tu druhou trasu upravit ještě z Bečova přes Loket a je to dost dobrý
Edit: Snad ještě přes Konstantinky do Planý

Naposledy editováno 08.04.2023 19:54:29

Tipy pro Česko

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 8.4.2023 v 20:49 | Nahoru | #8
To som tuším tiež šiel. Máte to tam pjekné


Tipy pro Česko

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 8.4.2023 v 21:48 | Nahoru | #9
Trošku bych to upravil a pokochal bych se výhledem na Hardegg, popřípadě navštívil.Hardegg

Tipy pro Česko

8.4.2023 v 21:52 | Nahoru | #10

Tipy pro Česko

9.4.2023 v 01:56 | Nahoru | #11
Wow..? I'm in heaven guys you spoiled me ?

Mr.Dreamer> Indeed, I would like to go on the road, my motorcycle would not appreciate being shaken like that hehe But I still take the info and the gpx, it can be useful :) I looked the list of points of interest and the list of interesting sections and routes, it's just awesome. Thank you, it will help me a lot in research for the itinerary.

rousini> It's a bit like Belgium in this regard except that most of our beautiful roads are in the south of the country. Thank you, I surely go through South Bohemia doing a part of Vysočina. I need to take a closer look at this part. Indeed Mapy is very intuitive, the map very clear, the map function with photos is great in my case, 3dview, easy to read route with photo and necessary info, Panorama integrated wow. When I saw Mapy, I asked Google to see if it existed in .be/.fr but no equivalent

jdu900fire_blejt> More great leads to follow, I really think that grouping a lot of your routes for the trip will make my job a lot easier. Of course I have to work on all this to make it a coherent itinerary with all kinds of stages, whether it's accommodation, catering, visits, etc... Thank you

lubon> Je to trochu oklika, díky za info, možná bych jel přes Schloss Hardegg :)

Again THANK YOU for your answers, I am thinking of combining the proposed routes by adding stages and a few other routes. It would mainly outline the country. However, I have just seen that on May 20/21 there are the 300 curves of Gustav Havel, I am tempted to take a step there. This would allow me to spend more time on Vysočina and Jihomoravský kraj on the other hand if I go to Bratislava I would probably go up in the direction of Tatras - Zakopane and then return to the Czech Republic to do with the kilometers... According to you what is is preferable ?

Naposledy editováno 09.04.2023 01:58:33

Tipy pro Česko

9.4.2023 v 03:07 | Nahoru | #12
Well if you plan to go to Zakopane and Tatra mountains (really nice views) then you can go via Jeseniky mountains, Beskydy mountains (including part in Poland - Wisla -> Szczyrk) and enjoy plenty of curves and additional views. Most of those places mentioned here on server in section already provided to you.

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9.4.2023 v 10:53 | Nahoru | #13
If u decide to go to Slovakia
but beware of the car drivers manners - arrogant and childish risky drivers.

edit: If I were u I would decide based on actual weather conditons. In the hills of Slovakia there might be still harsh weather unlike warm south Bohemia.

Naposledy editováno 09.04.2023 10:59:22

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9.4.2023 v 11:17 | Nahoru | #14
puffybodie> Yes, if I have time it would be an option that would seem judicious to me. Jeseniky, the Beskydy mountains often come up in my research, Wisla -> Szczyrk is short but very playful, it looks like I'm interested in seeing the ski resort there a little closer
A person I met in Belgium had already told me about the Tatra - High Tatras mountain ranges, in particular Vysoké Tatry and the resort of Tatranska Lomnica

(reakce na) Tipy pro Česko

9.4.2023 v 11:43 | Nahoru | #15

If u decide to go to Slovakia

It would be for another road trip if I take this track :p

but beware of the car drivers manners - arrogant and childish risky drivers.

Thanks for the advice, I'll be careful. And at this level how are the Czechs in general if I may ask the question?

If I were u I would decide based on actual weather conditons. In the hills of Slovakia there might be still harsh weather unlike warm south Bohemia.

It is true that if I decide to leave in May and I choose dates according to the Czech TT, I think I will keep Poland and Slovakia for another time. to have...

Naposledy editováno 09.04.2023 11:44:19

Tipy pro Česko

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 9.4.2023 v 11:44 | Nahoru | #16
If u are a sightseeing person I recomend to give it a try https://www.slovaki...castles/spis-castle/
For me, Czechs are much more relaxed and considerate drivers...

Naposledy editováno 09.04.2023 11:47:39

(reakce na) Tipy pro Česko

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 9.4.2023 v 18:36 | Nahoru | #17
Thoums> You can travel from your place like up to Pardubice -> Zamberk -> Jablonne nad Orlici -> Cervena voda -> Sumperk (road 11 from Zamberk) -> road 44 up to Jesenik (to enjoy Cervenohorske sedlo) -> then back via Karlova Studanka (nice stop) to Bruntal (you can pick any route there ) -> then road 11 towards Opava or going down to visit river dam Slezska Harta and via route 46 towards Opava

Well then you have multiple options how to get to Beskydy mountains, roads 56, 57, 58 each having own scenery

Road 56....

Just part around Wisla in Poland (there is as well river dam, castle of presidents of Poland in the past, plenty of those ski resorts and such, just during weekends a lot of traffic)

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10.4.2023 v 20:48 | Nahoru | #18
Hi everyone, little update, I'm starting to see things more clearly in the plotter but I still have work to do... Here's where I'm at IMAGE IMAGE it's a bit rushed
I seem to put aside the Slovak part for another time and focus on the Pardubický kraj and Jihomoravský kraj (4,5,6) parts instead.

Here is a little present to already thank you for your help, if you pass by...
Nádhera švýcarských Alp a italských Velkých jezer

Naposledy editováno 10.04.2023 21:01:13

Tipy pro Česko

11.4.2023 v 01:19 | Nahoru | #19
So, then: bon voyage

Tipy pro Česko

11.4.2023 v 12:57 | Nahoru | #20

So, then: bon voyage

Děkuji mnohokrát! can't wait to discover your beautiful region

(reakce na) Tipy pro Česko

Skvělá odpověď, děkuji! 11.4.2023 v 15:23 | Nahoru | #21

Thoums píše: Hi everyone, little update, I'm starting to see things more clearly in the plotter but I still have work to do... Here's where I'm at

Looks great, I'd probably modify some things a bit though:
The cyan route in the North - don't cross into Poland, I find the Czech side more interesting at this place https://en.mapy.cz/s/daguhopaho (the waypoint is an interesting church which was damaged during communism but rebuilt later)
The same route - eastern part, I'd just shorten it as I don't find the villages and towns there much interesting https://en.mapy.cz/s/cepetehota
The same route - alternative for Hanušovice - Branná, the tarmac isn't perfect but there's nice views https://en.mapy.cz/s/jajofadude
The northernmost part of the dark green route (Lanškroun) is my favorite road in the whole eastern part of the country, I wouldn't miss it.

Er... I noticed the website seems to shuffle the colors when you open it, hope you will find which routes I am referring to.

For the north-south connection in the east, it seems the eastern option has more backroads (but ofc paved), the western one is a bit faster sometimes with more open roads but it's your choice.

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13.4.2023 v 14:28 | Nahoru | #22
Metric> Hello, thank you for your answer, it really helps me
I would not miss the stop at this church, these are always appreciated moments.
Indeed, the site does change the colors at times but I understood what you were talking about
I took into account your opinion to modify the itinerary a little,
it is still necessary to add the points of interest and still possibly modify some routes.. I have already looked a little at the points of arrival and there are always nearby accommodation with secure parking and this for not too expensive.

I still wonder if it's worth making the detour through the 300 zatáček gustava havla (if I stop there it would be on Sunday)? What do you think of this event?

Naposledy editováno 13.04.2023 14:30:20

(reakce na) Tipy pro Česko

13.4.2023 v 15:10 | Nahoru | #23
Thoums> Well, your modified itinerary just misses this (when you are going from Bruntal to south)

Between Bruntal and Vrbno pod Pradedem you are missing nice Karlova Studanka

From there it is just couple of minutes to Ovcarna parking and then 4,7km walking to Praded mountain

All of those are very close to your itinerary, but I understand you may haveit quite packed

If nothing at all if there will be nice weather you can easily manage this Roland's stone as you can park bike (even couple of cars fit there) next to that road 450 and it's about 250m from there to that rock. Rock itself and view from it on Jeseniky mountains is worth it. If nice weather is present Plus you can see that Praded mountain from there too.

At least you will not miss

Worth to see that at least once, otherwise it's overhyped as it's just 7 turns basically. Road I was sending you here in Beskydy mountains is way more entertaining and interesting

Tipy pro Česko

13.4.2023 v 15:14 | Nahoru | #24
PS: If you get tired in that Jeseniky part I can recommend great hotel Holzberg

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25.3.2024 v 23:18 | Nahoru | #25
I am alive, I am coming back to you to explain my trip (it will come at length) and to thank you again for your help. I apologize for not giving any sign of life. Better late than never :)

Naposledy editováno 25.03.2024 23:23:38

Tipy pro Česko

2.4.2024 v 21:36 | Nahoru | #26
Gratuluji MOTORKÁŘI.CZ to jsme to dopracovali.

(reakce na) Tipy pro Česko

2.4.2024 v 21:57 | Nahoru | #27

Niki76 píše: Gratuluji MOTORKÁŘI.CZ to jsme to dopracovali.

Jojo, radit někomu, jak si užít dovolenou, skandální!!

Thoums> I'm happy to hear the trip worked out well. I hope you'll drop by again .

Tipy pro Česko

23.4.2024 v 15:40 | Nahoru | #28
ahojte, pripnem sa do tejto temy. Planujeme si urobit trip po Cesku a kopirovat hranice. Velmi ma zajima lom CSA, kde by sa chcel natocit aj nejake dronove zabery. Poradte kde zastavit, aby sme mali na lom najlepsi vyhlad?

Pripajam aj trasy na prvé 3 dni jazdenia, ak by mal nietko chut mi ich upravit


Naposledy editováno 23.04.2024 15:53:43
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