Téma: prodej moto do chorvatska - levota?
19.2.2016 v 14:56
Ahoj všem.
Mám nějakýho zájemce z chorvatska. Není to nějaká levárna? Viz e-mail od zájemce...

Thank your for your email,I have been searching for ages and have decided that this is exactly what I am looking for and want to purchase it from you! Can you assure me that i will not be disappointed with it. I’m ready to pay your asking price, and i'm satisfied with the condition too But the issue is I’m a marine biologist and i am on sea right now. Due to my contract on the sea, there is strictly no call due to the lack of reception on the sea area. But I’m able to access my mail anytime as i will make use of wireless laptop. i'm willing to pay through PayPal & i'll cover the paypal fees too, and about the transportation, since i am interested in the immediate purchase.Am buying it internationally to Spain and i will be making use of a shipping company to have this picked up from you and have it delivered to me.Further arrangements will be made with you in regards to the pick up once i have paid you,I would appreciate if you email me with more pictures (if available) too since i won't be be able to see this in person.If you agree with this, i would require the details below to proceed with payment:

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek prodej moto do chorvatska - levota?

19.2.2016 v 15:26 | Nahoru | #1
Určitě je to ok.
Ty vole a tohle má u nás volební právo... :-/

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) prodej moto do chorvatska - levota?

19.2.2016 v 15:55 | Nahoru | #2

chiro2 píše: Určitě je to ok.
Ty vole a tohle má u nás volební právo... :-/

Ty vole, ty jsi chytrej, dík za konstruktivní radu
Pro vložení příspěvku se musíte přihlásit nebo registrovat.
