Téma: DD45 nas mine
2.3.2009 v 13:52
o kousicek - tadyk

No a kdyby nas nahodou trefila, tak by to dopadlo asi tak nejak: (tu mozno libovolne katastroficke scenare spocitati )

Your Inputs:
Distance from Impact: 1000.00 km = 621.00 miles
Projectile Diameter: 30.00 m = 98.40 ft = 0.02 miles
Projectile Density: 8000 kg/m3
Impact Velocity: 17.00 km/s = 10.56 miles/s
Impact Angle: 90 degrees
Target Density: 2500 kg/m3
Target Type: Sedimentary Rock

Energy before atmospheric entry: 1.63 x 1016 Joules = 3.90 MegaTons TNT
The average interval between impacts of this size somewhere on Earth is 314.0 years

Atmospheric Entry:
The projectile begins to breakup at an altitude of 14100 meters = 46100 ft
The projectile reaches the ground in a broken condition. The mass of projectile strikes the surface at velocity 10.8 km/s = 6.7 miles/s
The impact energy is 6.58 x 1015 Joules = 1.57 MegaTons.
The broken projectile fragments strike the ground in an ellipse of dimension 0.151 km by 0.151 km

Major Global Changes:
The Earth is not strongly disturbed by the impact and loses negligible mass.
The impact does not make a noticeable change in the Earth's rotation period or the tilt of its axis.
The impact does not shift the Earth's orbit noticeably.

Crater Dimensions:
What does this mean?

Crater shape is normal in spite of atmospheric crushing; fragments are not significantly dispersed.

Transient Crater Diameter: 875 m = 2870 ft
Transient Crater Depth: 309 m = 1010 ft

Final Crater Diameter: 1090 m = 3590 ft
Final Crater Depth: 233 m = 765 ft

The crater formed is a simple crater

The floor of the crater is underlain by a lens of broken rock debris (breccia) with a maximum thickness of 108 m = 355 ft.
At this impact velocity ( < 12 km/s), little shock melting of the target occurs.

Thermal Radiation:
What does this mean?

At this impact velocity ( < 15 km/s), little vaporization occurs; no fireball is created, therefore, there is no thermal radiation damage.

Seismic Effects:
What does this mean?

The major seismic shaking will arrive at approximately 200 seconds.
Richter Scale Magnitude: 4.7
Mercalli Scale Intensity at a distance of 1000 km:

Nothing would be felt. However, seismic equipment may still detect the shaking.

What does this mean?

Most ejecta is blocked by Earth's atmosphere

Air Blast:
What does this mean?

The air blast will arrive at approximately 3030 seconds.
Peak Overpressure: 63.3 Pa = 0.000633 bars = 0.00899 psi
Max wind velocity: 0.149 m/s = 0.334 mph
Sound Intensity: 36 dB (Easily Heard)

Ehm, teda pokud by byla trebas ze zeleza , neb kdyby byla ze sutru tak by na zem ani nedopadla

Naposledy editováno 02.03.2009 13:55:48

DD45 nas mine

2.3.2009 v 13:53 | Nahoru | #1
Hezké výpočty a propočty:)
Jinak jsem taky četla:)

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek DD45 nas mine

2.3.2009 v 13:54 | Nahoru | #2
že tě furt tyhle kraviny baví, nebyla by větší sranda, kdyby to do nás ten šutr narval? No řekni...

(reakce na) DD45 nas mine

2.3.2009 v 13:56 | Nahoru | #3

fockewulf>že tě furt tyhle kraviny baví, nebyla by větší sranda, kdyby to do nás ten šutr narval? No řekni...

mno toz nevim nevim, trefit to trebas garaz kde mam dvoukolak tam by me to drobinek znepokojilo

DD45 nas mine

2.3.2009 v 14:45 | Nahoru | #4
mam radsi od 13hod na hlave helmu,kdyb neco,bespecnost musi bejt

DD45 nas mine

2.3.2009 v 16:21 | Nahoru | #5
ty woe, 63tis.km, to je fakt těsně

DD45 nas mine

2.3.2009 v 16:38 | Nahoru | #6
fockewulf> V Ortově mračnu a Kuiperově pásu je jich ještě dost, stačí si počkat
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