Téma: EU - ano, nebo ne?
24.2.2016 v 15:08
Na odlehčení trochu politiky

Na seznamu píšou, že hrozí odchod jiných států z EU, pokud v červnu odejdou Britové. Totéž by prý mohlo nastat u nás.

23.6. 2016 - Velká Británie se rozhodla. Její voliči mají názor, že bez Unie u nich bude líp.

Jak by jste v případným českým referendu hlasovali vy?

Naposledy editováno 24.06.2016 08:28:05

Blokovaní uživatelé: kerut, eMnatřetí
Anketa: Měla by Česká republika zůstat v EU?

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) EU - ano, nebo ne?

28.6.2016 v 11:29 | Nahoru | #1

PetrXX píše: Ackoli je ve veci stale prilis mnoho emoci napric Evropou, preci jen bych podotkl neco o "zdanlivych jistotach".
Ministr zdravotnictvi pripousti moznost druheho referenda.
Vetsina soucasneho kabinetu je proti Brexitu, coz opet muze hrat roli.
V neposledni rade, argumenty proti Brexitu se nabizeji pomerne samy, a to zejmena ty pouzivane v pro-Brexit hantyrce:
350 milionu liber tydne investujme do HNS - fail, castka je podstatne mensi a jiz ted je od tohoto slibu upusteno, navic uz ted je jasne, ze pro udrzeni v zone volnebo obchodu bude muset UK platit EU a dodrzovat stejne regulace jako doposud, nicmene bez moznosti ovlivnit rozhodovani
lepsi kontrola migrace - nekona se, "nic jsme neslibovali" (a to zatim Francie drzi Calais, coz je dohoda na pokraji zivotnosti)
Na druhe strane, jiz ted je cena za Brexit pres trilion liber, ztrata AAA ratingu, hrozba odchodu Skotska (muze byt marginalizovana, ale vysledek muze byt prekvapivy), tenze se Severnim Irskem.
Island vcera podal zadost o vstup do EU.
Polska euroskepticka (sic!) PIS vcera oznamila, ze prijme Euro v co nejkratsi dobe.

A Johnson jako nejvetsi krikloun se zahrabal a ceka, az to prejde. Byt pro-Brexit volic, byl bych asi mirne receno rozcarovan.

Jakykoli odhad dalsiho smeru typu "vim co se ne/stane" je v tento okamzik velmi, velmi odvazny.
Jasno maji snad jen priznivci spikleneckych teorii - at se stane cokoli, muzou za to banky, luminati, Astar Seran a vsichni okolo.

Jo ja to vse pisu jako muj nazor, takze to samo nevim ale myslim si to.

Jinak k tem spekulacim, ze k Brexitu nedojde....tohle jsem nasel na jaguar foru - zni to celkem realne co?

Any truth in this?

If Boris Johnson looked downbeat yesterday, that is because he realises that he has lost.

Perhaps many Brexiters do not realise it yet, but they have actually lost, and it is all down to one man: David Cameron.

With one fell swoop yesterday at 9:15 am, Cameron effectively annulled the referendum result, and simultaneously destroyed the political careers of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and leading Brexiters who cost him so much anguish, not to mention his premiership.


Throughout the campaign, Cameron had repeatedly said that a vote for leave would lead to triggering Article 50 straight away. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the image was clear: he would be giving that notice under Article 50 the morning after a vote to leave. Whether that was scaremongering or not is a bit moot now but, in the midst of the sentimental nautical references of his speech yesterday, he quietly abandoned that position and handed the responsibility over to his successor.

And as the day wore on, the enormity of that step started to sink in: the markets, Sterling, Scotland, the Irish border, the Gibraltar border, the frontier at Calais, the need to continue compliance with all EU regulations for a free market, re-issuing passports, Brits abroad, EU citizens in Britain, the mountain of legistlation to be torn up and rewritten ... the list grew and grew.

The referendum result is not binding. It is advisory. Parliament is not bound to commit itself in that same direction.

The Conservative party election that Cameron triggered will now have one question looming over it: will you, if elected as party leader, trigger the notice under Article 50?

Who will want to have the responsibility of all those ramifications and consequences on his/her head and shoulders?

Boris Johnson knew this yesterday, when he emerged subdued from his home and was even more subdued at the press conference. He has been out-maneouvered and check-mated.

If he runs for leadership of the party, and then fails to follow through on triggering Article 50, then he is finished. If he does not run and effectively abandons the field, then he is finished. If he runs, wins and pulls the UK out of the EU, then it will all be over - Scotland will break away, there will be upheaval in Ireland, a recession ... broken trade agreements. Then he is also finished. Boris Johnson knows all of this. When he acts like the dumb blond it is just that: an act.

The Brexit leaders now have a result that they cannot use. For them, leadership of the Tory party has become a poison chalice.

When Boris Johnson said there was no need to trigger Article 50 straight away, what he really meant to say was "never". When Michael Gove went on and on about "informal negotiations" ... why? why not the formal ones straight away? ... he also meant not triggering the formal departure. They both know what a formal demarche would mean: an irreversible step that neither of them is prepared to take.

All that remains is for someone to have the guts to stand up and say that Brexit is unachievable in reality without an enormous amount of pain and destruction, that cannot be borne. And David Cameron has put the onus of making that statement on the heads of the people who led the Brexit campaign.

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) EU - ano, nebo ne?

28.6.2016 v 11:40 | Nahoru | #2
Londoner> shrnuti aktualni situace v nekolika odstavcich.
Pyrrhovo vitezstvi muze byt prejmenovano na Johnsonovo - vitezstvi, ktere se neda unest.

apropos: mozna jako Londoner zustanes v EU tak jako tak (humor)
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