Téma: Prodej moto do Lotyšska
30.7.2019 v 14:25
Ahojda. Snaží se mě zlákat k prodeji moto Bjarne Jahansen z Lotyšska. Pozor na tyhle levoty.

---- Forwarded message ---------
Od: Bjarne Johansen <b.johansennorre@gmail.com>
Date: út 30. čvc 2019 12:17
Subject: Re: Kawasaki ER-6n 83.000,- Kč
To: Petr Toman <egon3225@gmail.com>

I am okay with the price you want to sell. I want to buy as soon as possible,I would have preferred to come and see the motorcycle but I cannot make trip abroad now because of my work(I am a drilling engineer off the Baltic coast) but I am certain we can make our arrangement through email and after I send my full advance payment to you for the bike, I can send a carrier who will collect the motorcycle from your location and deliver it to me.

I proposed to the carrier to bring cash for me and pay you on the spot but the carrier has a policy of not meddling in purchase and payment for goods, their only service is to pick up the purchased package after it has been paid for, So we have to fix the payment situation ourselves.

I can make payment for the motorcycle to your bank account via EU cross-border bank transfer, because it allows same day payment to countries within Europe union, to send this international transfer, I will need the name of the owner of the account, Account number, IBAN , swift code. And once you have received my payment, we will discuss with the carrier on the best time to come and receive the motorcycle at your location. they will also come with all necessary identification and document to complete the unsubscribe of the motorcycle.

If you agree with my terms, provide the account information to send payment.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 10:52 PM Petr Toman <egon3225@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello! Bike is in a good condition and I don’t think that there are any hidden problems. You can check the motorbike and it’s shape but if you want a ride you have to pay the whole price first. I can send you additional photos if you’re interested.

Dne po 29. čvc 2019 20:36 uživatel Bjarne Johansen <b.johansennorre@gmail.com> napsal:
Hallo! děkuji za vaši odpověď, Chci koupit vaše moto co nejrychleji. případné vady a motor stále funguje správně?, konečná cena ?, máte další fotografie ?.

Koupím z Lotyšsko. Omlouváme se za méně přesný překlad, překlad jsem provedl online, mluvím dánsky a také anglicky (jsem dánština)..

Zařídím, aby vyzvednout moto na vaše místo po dohodě a kontrole na místě.

Hi, thank you for prompt response, I want to buy your motorcycle as soon as you are willing to sell, any defects or problem with the Engine?, what's your final price?, do you have additional pictures of the motorcycle?.

I am buying the bike from Latvia. sorry for the less accurate translation, I did the translation online, I speak danish and also English(I am danish).

I will arrange to pick up the motorcycle at your location after agreement and on-site inspection.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 7:37 AM Petr Toman <egon3225@gmail.com> wrote:
Dobrý den.
Ano je.

Dne ne 28. čvc 2019 22:17 uživatel Bjarne Johansen <b.johansennorre@gmail.com> napsal:
Dobry den, zaujal mne váš inzerát, Je stále aktuální?

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

30.7.2019 v 14:52 | Nahoru | #1

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

30.7.2019 v 15:23 | Nahoru | #2
Kupující je tak křišťálově čistý, že ani křišťál křišťálově čistější být nemůže Češi jsou tak nedůvěřivý..

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

30.7.2019 v 15:29 | Nahoru | #3
Takze dlouho to to nebylo ze!

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

30.7.2019 v 15:40 | Nahoru | #4
Lotyš Pan Johansen je Dánština......ahaaaaaaaaa.......

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

30.7.2019 v 19:08 | Nahoru | #5
Ti, co jen chvíli uvažujou nad podobným nákupem/prodejem, by měli dobrovolně odevzdávat občanky.

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

30.7.2019 v 21:25 | Nahoru | #6
Klasicka plosina

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

31.7.2019 v 02:03 | Nahoru | #7
To už tady párkrát bylo!

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

31.7.2019 v 19:10 | Nahoru | #8
Ano nedávno ode mne

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

31.7.2019 v 22:34 | Nahoru | #9

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

31.7.2019 v 22:40 | Nahoru | #10
A když mu dáš BÚ co bude chtít dál? Počítám že ti jen tak nezaplatí...

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

1.8.2019 v 08:43 | Nahoru | #11
bratranec Jeffa z Litvy :)

Prodej moto do Lotyšska

1.8.2019 v 09:19 | Nahoru | #12
fajn že si tam nechal tie maily, hneď ťa prihlásim na pár desiatok newslettrov, egon3225, OK?

Naposledy editováno 01.08.2019 09:20:23
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