Téma: English, English, English...
7.9.2008 v 20:43
Je to takový pokus, piště do tohoto tématu pouze anglicky a i tak se tu bavte Schválně, kolik nás tu je, co si rádi pohovoří i v jiném jazyce, nebo popřípadě procvičí...

1... 3 4 5 6

1 reakcí na tento příspěvek English, English, English...

7.3.2012 v 12:49 | Nahoru | #151
omlouvam se ze vam to tady zasiram cestinou ale kam jinam napsat... potrebovala bych poradit s ukolem do skoly a na gramatiku jsem fakt tvrda, je tu nekdo kdo mi oznaci ty chyby? Google prekladac si s tim neporadil

In each sentence there is a mistake. Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence.

I enjoy to studying English.
He stopped to work as a teacher last year.
If only I can afford to buy a new TV.
He wishes he is taller.
I´ve been working all day. Although I don´t feel tired.
I passed the exam, despite I didn´t study for it.
Can you tell me when is the next train to Liverpool?
I don´t know what can we do.

English, English, English...

7.3.2012 v 14:26 | Nahoru | #152
Well, some topics are full of shit here, but in English language are, how to say, more funny. It was good idea

English, English, English...

7.3.2012 v 14:52 | Nahoru | #153
I´ve got to sign this toppic and when i´ll have more time i´ll subcribe this good idea.

2 reakcí na tento příspěvek (reakce na) English, English, English...

7.3.2012 v 15:01 | Nahoru | #154

stefi píše: omlouvam se ze vam to tady zasiram cestinou ale kam jinam napsat... potrebovala bych poradit s ukolem do skoly a na gramatiku jsem fakt tvrda, je tu nekdo kdo mi oznaci ty chyby? Google prekladac si s tim neporadil

In each sentence there is a mistake. Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence.

I enjoy to studying English.
He stopped to work as a teacher last year.
If only I can afford to buy a new TV.
He wishes he is taller.
I´ve been working all day. Although I don´t feel tired.
I passed the exam, despite I didn´t study for it.
Can you tell me when is the next train to Liverpool?
I don´t know what can we do.

I enjoy studying English.
He stopped working as a teacher last year.
If only I could afford a new TV.
He wishes he was taller.
I´ve been working all day. Even though I don´t feel tired.
I passed the exam, despite not studying for it.
Can you tell me when is the next train to Liverpool leaving?
I don´t know what we can do.

Hope it's correct

Edit: Is there any reward, like showing your - let's say - chest?

Naposledy editováno 07.03.2012 15:07:14

(reakce na) English, English, English...

7.3.2012 v 20:00 | Nahoru | #155
sharkis> diky moc

English, English, English...

7.3.2012 v 22:42 | Nahoru | #156
Johny English

(reakce na) English, English, English...

9.3.2012 v 08:40 | Nahoru | #157
sharkis> je ja uplne zapomela na tu odmenu takze:
Only for you:
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