Téma: @
3.11.2008 v 19:22

Naposledy editováno 10.04.2024 07:47:31

To Adriisekk> Recherche! Français aujourd'hui peu de personnes peuvent. Pouvons-nous nous montrer comment baiser français? ... Excusez mes erreurs


5.11.2008 v 19:51 | Nahoru | #272
Jinak proč zrovna Tafi? je to jednoduchý, ale nikoho to nenapadne, protže to nezná :D. Je to skrácený příjmení Tafallari = Tafi... říkali my tak učitelé na ZŠ a teď i na SOU... jinak kámoši mi taky říkaj Gregu, Housi... Prej mám stejný chování a hlášky :D... Kdysi dávno taky Semir (Simír) protože jsem jménem Arben, což je taky (jako Semir) Turecký :D... Největší prdel je ovšem to, že jsem Čech :D...

(reakce na) @

5.11.2008 v 20:00 | Nahoru | #273
Tafi.xXx> jaky chyby.Vzdyt tam zadny nemas a ja mam co delat to prelozit. jestli mas icq tak muzem psat kdyz nebudes mit co delat.Budu mooooc stastna.


5.11.2008 v 20:35 | Nahoru | #274
To Adriisekk> Mas ho ve vzkazech Madame
BrusinkaGS> ok už si nebudu nic hřát. Seš myslím první kdo se na ten význam ptá. Většinou si každej vystačil se svou fantazií. Bylo mě sladkých 16 a jezdil jsem na simsonu s jednou partičkou z Kohoutovic. Dvakrát týdně sem odpoledne chodil do němčiny a jednou do tanečních. Takže vždy když jsem se s nimi loučil, že už musím domů, tak sem sklidil výsměch, seš prostě měkej. Do teď mě nikdo z nich neřekne jináč než měkej. Takže čistě z nostalgie mám bloklej tento nick, ale abych se vyhnul zbytečné nedůvěřivosti slečen tak se tady vyskytuju pod nickem bidlos.

Naposledy editováno 05.11.2008 21:30:45


5.11.2008 v 21:27 | Nahoru | #276
moto-protože miluju motorky,maniak,protože su maniak a gsx-r protože je to má značka ,nebo tak něco

(reakce na) @

6.11.2008 v 20:56 | Nahoru | #277

měkej>BrusinkaGS> ok už si nebudu nic hřát. Seš myslím první kdo se na ten význam ptá. Většinou si každej vystačil se svou fantazií. Bylo mě sladkých 16 a jezdil jsem na simsonu s jednou partičkou z Kohoutovic. Dvakrát týdně sem odpoledne chodil do němčiny a jednou do tanečních. Takže vždy když jsem se s nimi loučil, že už musím domů, tak sem sklidil výsměch, seš prostě měkej. Do teď mě nikdo z nich neřekne jináč než měkej. Takže čistě z nostalgie mám bloklej tento nick, ale abych se vyhnul zbytečné nedůvěřivosti slečen tak se tady vyskytuju pod nickem bidlos.

bidlos? No to sis teda polepšil

aquien> Jo ahaaaaaaaa... já myslela, že je to velkej zadek s injekční stříkačkou


6.11.2008 v 23:07 | Nahoru | #278
Vincenzo pro všechny co znají hru Mafia zbrojní maník...kamarádi mi to přisoudili protože jsem veeeeeet....


6.11.2008 v 23:37 | Nahoru | #279
no taaak...trochu pohybu


2.12.2008 v 17:49 | Nahoru | #280

Naposledy editováno 16.04.2024 08:11:08


2.12.2008 v 18:24 | Nahoru | #281
poison - jed!


2.12.2008 v 21:08 | Nahoru | #282
Yves - Yntelygentňí vihladofjelá eventuálňí sfině
Ne, původně jsem byla Eevee, podle toho pokémona
ale blbě se to psalo tak jenom Eve (to je anglicky štedrý večer ), tak mě překřtili na Yves, podle Yves Rocher, známý výrobce kosmetiky a drogerie - naneštěstí pro mě to je ale chlapský jméno - Ivan, a ne Iveta, jak si všichni mysleli Ale už mi to zůstalo, i když mi lidově říkaj Ívy je to složitý


2.12.2008 v 21:11 | Nahoru | #283
Muj prvni Indian byl model Scout s motorem SS...takze sscout...


2.12.2008 v 21:21 | Nahoru | #284
zdedil jsem ji po dedovi a tatikovi oba byli Jaroslavove a ja jsem Lukas proto Jaryn malokdo mi na morave rekne jinak nez Jaryn a 82 to je rok vyroby 1982

Naposledy editováno 02.12.2008 21:22:25
no , kdybych to měl říct stručně, tak to bylo asi nějak takhle:

Shōgun is a 1975 novel by James Clavell. It is the first novel (chronologically speaking) in the author's Asian Saga. It is set in feudal Japan in the year 1600 some months before the critical battle of Sekigahara, and gives an account of the rise of the daimyo "Toranaga" (analogous to the real-life Tokugawa Ieyasu) to the Shogunate, seen through the eyes of an English sailor whose fictional heroics are loosely based on William Adams' exploits.Contents [hide]

ilot summary

John Blackthorne, an English pilot and acting captain of the Dutch warship Erasmus, is shipwrecked on the coast of Japan. He and the few survivors of his Dutch crew are taken captive under the direction of the local samurai Omi-san and confined to a pit for a few days, until, in the eyes of their captors, they begin to act like 'civilized men,' that is, when they stop complaining, demanding their freedom, shouting, etc. Omi-san's daimyo, Yabu-san arrives and executes a randomly-chosen sailor by having him boiled alive. At Omi's suggestion, Yabu plans to keep the guns and money recovered from Blackthorne's ship to increase his own influence, but is betrayed by a samurai who has informed Yabu's lord, Toranaga, of the ship's arrival, and Yabu is obligated to turn Blackthorne, the ship and its contents over to him.

While in the household, Blackthorne is given the title Anjin, meaning "pilot," by the Japanese because they can't pronounce his name. Blackthorne insists that Omi-san apply the honorary suffix -san as if he was a Japanese samurai worthy of respect, and so Blackthorne is henceforth known as Anjin-san.

Blackthorne is interviewed by Toranaga, with a Jesuit priest serving as translator. Blackthorne, an Englishman and a Protestant, attempts to turn Toranaga against the Jesuits. In doing so, he reveals to a surprised Toranaga that the Christian faith is divided, and other European countries intend to sail the Asian waters since the Spanish Armada was defeated. The interview ends when Toranaga's principal rival, Ishido, enters, curious about the 'barbarian' Blackthorne. Toranaga has Blackthorne thrown in prison for piracy to keep him from Ishido. In prison, Blackthorne is befriended by a Dominican priest, who reveals further details about the Jesuits conquests and the "Black Ship" trade. Japan needs Chinese silk, but cannot deal with the Chinese directly. The Portuguese act as an intermediary, shipping the merchandise in their Black Ship at great profit. With the priest's help, Blackthorne begins to learn basic Japanese.

After four days of captivity, Blackthorne is taken out of prison by Ishido's men, but Toranaga intervenes, "capturing" Blackthorne from his rival's men. In their next interview, Toranaga has a different translator, the Lady Mariko, a convert to Christianity who is torn between her new faith and her loyalty to being a samurai and to Toranaga.

As this is going on, the regent Toranaga is threatened with forced ritual suicide by the council of regents. To escape the order, he must get out of Osaka Castle, which he does by taking the place of a woman in litter with a train of travelers leaving the castle. Blackthorne inadvertently spots the exchange and, when Ishido shows up at the gate of the castle and nearly discovers Toranaga, Blackthorne saves Toranaga by creating a diversion. In this way, he gradually gains the trust of and enters the service of Toranaga, a powerful feudal warlord who rules over the "Kwanto" (the real-life Kantō region) plain, the site of modern-day Tokyo.

Despite a rocky start, Blackthorne slowly builds his Japanese language skills and gains an understanding of the Japanese people and their culture, eventually learning to respect it deeply. The Japanese, in turn, are torn over Blackthorne's presence; he is an outsider, a leader of a disgracefully filthy and uncouth group of rabble (his ship's crew), but he is also a formidable sailor and navigator. As such, he is both beneath their contempt and incalculably valuable. A turning point in this perception is Blackthorne's attempt at seppuku to redress an insult. He demonstrates willingness to commit suicide with honour which deeply impresses the Japanese, but is stopped as he is far more valuable alive than dead. The Japanese grow to respect the "barbarian" in turn and he is eventually granted the status of samurai and hatamoto. As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire Mariko.

Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus to capture the Black Ship. Eventually, he visits the survivors of his original crew, and is so astonished at how far he's ventured from the standard European way of life (personally filthy, dirty, ignorant, meat-eaters) and is disgusted by them. Blackthorne's plans to attack the Black Ship are complicated by his respect and friendship for that vessel's Portuguese pilot, Rodrigues.

In parallel with this plot, the novel also details the intense power struggle between Toranaga and Ishido, and the political maneuvering of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly the Jesuits. There is also conflict between Christian daimyos (who are motivated in part by a desire to preserve and expand their Church's power) and the daimyos who oppose the Christians in favor of the native Shinto and Buddhist faiths.

Ishido is holding numerous family members of other daimyos as hostages in Osaka, referring to them as guests. As long as he has these hostages, the other daimyos, including Toranaga, do not dare to attack him. Ishido hopes to lure or force Toranaga into the Castle and, when all the regents are present, obtain an order for Toranaga to commit suicide. To extricate Toranaga from this situation, Mariko volunteers to go to what will be her likely death at Osaka Castle to face down Ishido and obtain the hostages' release. On the lengthy trip to Osaka, Blackthorne and Mariko become lovers.

When at the castle, Mariko (in response to Toranaga's order for her to leave to meet him against Ishido's wishes) defies Ishido and forces him to either dishonor himself by dishonoring Mariko, a lady of the first rank, or to back down. When Mariko tries to leave the castle, a battle ensues between Ishido's samurai and her escort until she is forced to give up. However, she states that since she cannot obey an order from her liege lord, Toranaga, she is disgraced and will commit suicide. As she is about to do so, Ishido gives her the papers to leave the castle the next day. That night, a group of ninjas Ishido has hired slips into Toranaga's section of the castle to kidnap Mariko, with the help of Toranaga's vassal, Yabu. However, she and Blackthorne (who accompanied her but was not aware of Mariko's plot) and the other ladies of Toranaga escape into a locked room. As the ninjas blow the door down, Mariko stands against the door and declares that this is her act of honorable suicide, and implicates Ishido "in this shameful act."

Mariko is killed and Blackthorne injured, but Ishido is forced to let Blackthorne and all the other ladies to leave the castle, seriously reducing his influence. Blackthorne discovers that his ship has been burned, ruining his chances of attacking the Black Ship, gaining riches and sailing home to England. However, Toranaga gives him money and men to start building a new ship. Toranaga orders Yabu to commit suicide for his treachery.

A recurring motif in the book is Toranaga engaging in falconry. He compares his various birds to his vassals and mulls over his handling of them, flinging them at targets, giving them morsels to bring them back to his fist, and re-hooding them. The last scene involves Toranaga letting his prize peregrine fly free as he reveals his inner monologue: he himself had ordered Blackthorne's ship burned as a way to placate the Christian daimyos, save Blackthorne's life from them, and bring them to his side against Ishido; he then encourages Blackthorne to build another one, and then will have that one burned too. It is Blackthorne's karma to never leave Japan, Mariko's karma to die for her lord, and his own karma, his true purpose to become Shogun, the ruling daimyo superseding the Taiko's heir. In the brief epilogue after the final battle of Sekigahara, Ishido is disgracefully captured alive, and Toranaga has him buried up to his neck in the untouchables village. Passerbys are offered the opportunity to "saw at the most famous neck in the realm" with a wooden saw, and "Ishido lasts three days, and dies very old."

The book is divided into 6 Books, the 3rd being the longest. It contains extremely intricate plots and counter-plots and straddles the line between historical drama (tinged with romance, sex, courage, duty, and religious beliefs) and political drama.


2.12.2008 v 21:40 | Nahoru | #286
Mito mame v rodine. Ale nebavi me psat í tak tam davam iii. A tecky mezi je proto, ze uz to nekdo mel
Nejlepší přezdívka je ta, co vám někdo dá... Ikdyž mnozí by si to za rámeček nedali
Já jsem asi jasnej

(reakce na) @

2.12.2008 v 22:28 | Nahoru | #288
toranaga> Prosím ve zkratce česky

(reakce na) @

2.12.2008 v 22:51 | Nahoru | #289

Stan600>Nejlepší přezdívka je ta, co vám někdo dá... Ikdyž mnozí by si to za rámeček nedali
Já jsem asi jasnej

jj kluci mi řikaj rambo a holky kreténe


3.12.2008 v 09:26 | Nahoru | #290
Ve škole jsem se rád pral, ale jednou mě u toho prdly rifle na prdeli a Jack Rozparovač byl na světě. Ale už je to dávno, tak přezdívku nepoužívám ..... Můj nick je jasnej, ale uvažuji o novém, kvůli většímu soukromí ......
Přezdívka z WoWa. A prostě sem si ju vymyslel.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Bručoun>Přezdívka z WoWa. A prostě sem si ju vymyslel.
Nothing more, nothing less.

BRUČOUN: bez ohledu co kdo řekl, Bručoun byl vždy proti tomu. Reptal, mumlal a vždy uvažoval negativně. Ale pod tím vším byl mírný a miloval Sassette a dítě. Ale on by byl hrozně nerad, kdyby se to ostatní dozvěděli.

Tak když už si na to přišla tak pšššš.

Naposledy editováno 03.12.2008 10:34:54

(reakce na) @

3.12.2008 v 10:37 | Nahoru | #294

Tak když už si na to přišla tak pšššš.



3.12.2008 v 10:39 | Nahoru | #295
mě jí dali kámoši kdo ste viděl heryho potra tak asi bude te vědět
Jak sem byl s kámošema na montáži a říkal sem že se oholím až přijedu dom ono se to trochu protáhlo a tak z Týdne byly dva v Plzni byl konec. Tak sme tam skočily do hospy že to votestujem přímo s tanku ...jak sme vlezly do vnitř tak se prodíráme k výčepu bylo trochu plno tak sem se tam o něco výc otřel o nějakýho bez vlasího 130 kilovího drobka a ten se na mně otočil a když mně viděl hlásí "Co je Woe revoluce už skončila" kumpání se bavily já při pohledu na něj moc né ale daly sme pivko A bylo dobře

(reakce na) @

3.12.2008 v 11:11 | Nahoru | #297
Che Guevara je parádní Rum.
Jinak bomba historka.


3.12.2008 v 12:25 | Nahoru | #298
Děda mi říkal Jašek,všichni komu mě představil děda mi taky říkaj Jašek a když jsem si dával nick tak jsem si myslel,že to háček nedá


3.12.2008 v 13:14 | Nahoru | #299
U mě se to vleče už od první třídy...nejdřív to byla nadávka říkali mi foťák..no a pak se to zkoolilo na přijetelné Fotik Původní základ z příjmení Folprecht...


3.12.2008 v 13:26 | Nahoru | #300
no me tu prezdivku vymysleli kdysi davno moji kamosi a je to jednoduche: muj tata je Stana no a ja jsem po nem, ale jeste nemam ten rozum takze Maly Stana (to ze jsem zenska je v tomto pripade fu(c)k, jelikoz kdo me zna vi), toz tak no
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