Kenny Noyes nazpět v Grand Prix


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mamba54 (1340) napsal 17.01.2011 v 21:45

to Chelman:dík

Chelman (0) napsal 17.01.2011 v 20:20

mamba54: I před loňskou sezónou byl tým BQR všude uváděn jako "Racing Team by Quereseno" a nakonec se objevil pod názvem "BQR Racing", takže předpokládám, že i letos pojede pod tímto názvem.

BBaron (74) napsal 17.01.2011 v 16:36

Teď jsem si přečetl krásně ironickej článek o SBK:

Last week Infront Motor Sports who owns the Superbike World Championship, announced that it had increased its audience by 33%, that audiences reached 498 million viewing fans, that their official website saw a 30% increase of visitors, all compared to their 2009 figures.
They also announced that broadcast coverage was in 175 countries (apparently racing starved Hungary isn’t one of them, according to Gabor Talmacsi) and this year we will be seeing the series in HD and gasp and wow, we’ll also be able to see what’s happening from a riders point of view with those nifty, technological, ultramodern little things called on-board cameras.
If we want to see those fantastic gyroscopic cameras that MotoGP started experimenting last season in Superbikes, we’ll probably have to wait Leon Alexandre Biaggi starts competing.

Takže gyroskopy tak za 18 let

mamba54 (1340) napsal 17.01.2011 v 16:28

Jaký je tedy název týmu, za který tito jezdci pojedou. BQR Racing jak je uvedeno v tomto článku u Noyese, nebo Racing Team by Quereseno, jak bylo dosud uváděno u Hernandeze s Rabatem ?
